
What are the best ovulation kits to use?

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I would love some recommendations on brands and where to find them. Thank you




  1. I tell anyone who is ttc to get the Clearblue Easy fertility monitor kit.  I've been using it for 5 months now, and it seems to be pretty accurate at detecting ovulation.  No, I haven't gotten pregnant, and I have an appt. on the 2nd to begin to find out why (honestly believe it is a tubal blockage bc I have a son already and had no trouble getting pregnant with him, we've been ttc for 14 months now).  I once read somewhere that someone had peed on the test stick and dipped one in plain water and it told her both times she was ovulating?? That is bull and don't listen to anyone who tells you that! It works very well, and for someone who has no health problems, it should work very well. You can get one on ebay really cheap, I only paid $150 for mine and it was brand new!

  2. I honestly have to say the clearblue easy monitor is the best OPK around.

  3. I like first response brand of OV kits  

  4. Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor!!!!

    Product Features

    Fertility monitor reduces the time it takes to conceive your baby

    Test stick us used to monitor hormone levels present in your urine

    Monitor can be programmed to follow the days of your monthly cycle

    Screen displays fertility status reading -- low, high, and peak

    "M" button makes it easy to reset the monitor when your period has started and a new monthly cycle has begun

  5. Clearblue, either the regular or digital. I like both but the digital is much easier to read.  You can buy them at any drugstore or wal-mart, target, most grocery stores.  The digitals are expensive but worth it!

  6. i like the clear blue one. there is no guessing games.  its either a smile or a circle.  

    the lines confuse me because they have to match exactly. sometimes it looks like the lines are exact but its not.  

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