
What are the best places in New Zealand to live, work, and visit?

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What are the best places in New Zealand to live, work, and visit?




  1. avoid small cities and rural areas.

  2. definitely Auckland, it has a huge city and beautiful mountains, beaches, and national parks. Auckland has it all, i used to live there. the city is the best place to work, because it never sleeps and is always busy. some people like that, some people don't.

    now if you are going for more of a scenery visit, the south island has beautiful mountains, green grass, and lots of sunshine (as you see in those movies)

    have a look on this website for further information :)

  3. . Its the South Island.

    Less hassle of traffic, house prices are cheaper, room to move about, space and fantastic scenery, good weather,

    and the people are still fairly relaxed and easy going still.

  4. Auckland for the large city and most any Hawkes Bay city for provincial - Keep away from Christchurch and Wanganui - known for racist attacks. Christchurch has the National Front (like the KKK - most of South Island is infected with them - Queenstown being the exception) and Wanganui has a racist Mayor who wears eyeliner (its true and the police in Wanganui arent much better sadly).

  5. Kia Ora! You've got to visit Queenstown.  Just look it up on google for pictures, and you will see how incredibly exciting and beautiful the city is. Working, however, is probably easiest in Auckland, because it is the economic hub of the country. Living in Wellington myself, I have to say it is worth a visit, but the South Island seems to have a bit more scenery. I hope you enjoy all that NZ has to offer you, It is an amazing place to live, work and visit!

  6. Depends on your age and interests but I totally rate Queenstown.  Its beautiful and you feel like you are on holiday all the time.  Its got a great vibe to it because of all the tourists in good moods, there's PLENTY of work and loads of pubs to go to.  Its a real party town.

    If thats not what you are into then there is also the attraction of all the outdoor activities right on your doorstep ... hiking in the bush or mountains, boating, kayaking on the lake, windsurfing etc etc .... and also heaps of places for mountain or road cycling.

    This place rocks!!  Accommodation is a bit pricey but thats the only downside if you ask me.

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