
What are the best places in USA to construct wind farms?

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What are the best places in USA to construct wind farms?




  1. anyplace with steady, unturbulent wind. mountain, & valley systems work fairly well. if you want better advice try he can help you set up if you need.

  2. North and South Dakota and along our seacoast.

    Someone said they could put enough Wind Generators in South Dakota to power the entire USA.

  3. uhhhh...duh!  Where its windy!!!

  4. North & South Dakota sure are windy--they'd make great spots.  Unfortunately, many of the windiest spots are also some of the last remaining native prairie.  Also, it's a huge migratory route.  I think carefully planned wind farms would be great there though!

  5. Nowhere!

  6. I am not sure as far as buying land goes, but it might be of interest that there has been consideration about putting wind turbines to generate electricity in the water off the coast of Delaware ( East Coast,US)

  7. there are lots of place to build isolated windmills, like in the sunol and tehachapi passes in california.  a couple of miles off shore are really good zones also, because there is nothing to block the wind, but its too bad that you have hypocritical jackasses like the kennedys that block them because they might be in their line of sight, and they dont want anything to obstruct their entitled views.

    as far as states go to put up big wind farms of the future, much of the middle parts of the US, from texas on up through the dakotas and montana are really good places, but you have to balance that against distance from population centers.

  8. Washington, DC--home of the windbags! :)

    Seriously, you need regions that typically have strong and fairly steady winds.  Mountainous regions aren't very good--the topography makes winds change around too much.

    The best places are usually open and flat--Texas is a goodexample (and they are alreadygetting aobut 2% of their electricity from wind power).

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