
What are the best places to eat when your on a diet?

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What are the best places to eat when your on a diet?




  1. your house! honestly, eating out food(even if somewhat healthy or portions are controlled) has too much salt!

  2. People are suggesting for you to stay home, but im guessing the reason you asked is because you were looking for a good place to eat out. Well you can always find restaurants like Applebees, i know, has a weightwatchers section. Im sure a lot of places have this and its a great way to eat out and stay with your diet!

  3. Home, home, home.  Stay away from that processed, chemical-laden, salted down, fatty restaurant food.

  4. at a hospital so that you won't have the appetite to eat... now that's what you call a diet

  5. I like to get a chili and plain baked potato from Wendy's. It's about 5 weight watchers points.  I add a little fat free sour cream to it at home.....

    Also, McDonald's cones are good for a treat.  They are two or three points in WW.

  6. here are some place where you can eat healthy foods, orgnanic and diet friendly. Tresco Guest House

    Portmellon Cove Guest House

    The Greenhouse

    Penrhos Hotel

    Paskins Town House

    Rowton Castle

  7. Home. Make the healthiest foods here!

  8. at home, u know what u put into ur food other than at a resturant

  9. Subway eat fresh! Subway it sells sand witches! And you can get one for vegetarians if you are a vegetable!

  10. you can eat anywhere on a "diet" but if you have specific food needs like low carb or low fat it can be more difficult..  they easiest thing to do on a diet is to go to a grocery store with a good salad bar and get a shrimp cocktail to go with it..  great salad bars can be found out to eat too..  ruby tuesdays is  my favorite..  i usually have it with the white chicken chili..

  11. I agree with subway but also at our local grocery store they have a salad bar and get that every day for lunch.  

    Applebees has a weight watchers menu.

  12. If you really want to go out to eat don't listen to these other people who suggest you stay at home(boo).There is nothing wrong with going out to eat once a month to a really good restaurant. Go to subway, Apple Bees, and most restaurants will cater to your needs. Ask about a certain item on the menu, ask them use a different oil that you prefer, ask them to use less salt. Go for grill, baked ,broiled or poached dishes with steamed veggies. Enjoy a good salad, leave off the bread. If you must have dessert split it with someone or go for fruit or a sorbet whatever they happen to have. Even fast food places have some good choices, grilled chicken hold the mayo and cheese. They have salads, chili,so Dave B there are lots of good food choices you can make at most restaurants.

  13. Ur house if u kno how to prepare the meals. I believe all chinese restaurants have a diet menu u can use. Also Applebee's have diet meal on their menus.

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