
What are the best places to look at in Spain?

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What are the best places to look at in Spain?




  1. 1. Alicante

    2. Granada

    3. Madrid

    Oh, by the way, I saw someone say you shouldn't visit the basque part of Spain because that's where ETA are from. Kind of silly because they always bomb other areas of Spain for the most part. I'm not picking a fight, just stating the obvious.

  2. The Pyrenees, oh and the beaches, bud.

  3. Barcelona, Madrid, beaches, etc.

  4. To look at? The visually striking Valle de los caidos is something you´ll not see anywhere else....

  5. Spain is many countries all rolled into one therefore the culture in Spain is very varied and interesting. See

  6. El hambra in Grenada, Spain

    Sagrada Familia in Barcelona

    Sevilla in general

    Toledo and Salamanca are pretty interesting too

    Never been to the northern border of Spain so don't know about that

  7. The south, Andalucia!  Beautiful whitewashed villages, amazing Moorish architecture, great nightlife.

  8. Not in any order: Barcelona, Madrid, (visit Segovia, Toledo, Avila), Sevilla, Cordoba, Granada, the white villages of Andalucia, Sanlucar de Barrameda, Picos de Europa, Santiago de Compostela, the mountains.

    Do not visit the Basque country, that's where the ETA terrorists come from.

    Remember that the real Spain is only a few minutes from the roadside.

  9. Honestly, Spain is beautiful but not small either. It all depends what you want to do. Barcelona is great, Sagrada Famillia and other Gaudi buildings, lot's of musea. But their is so much more. The location of Spain made it a great region to rule over. In return the region received bits and peaces from several cultures like the Romans, Christians, Arabs, etc.. . Especially the contrast between the Christian culture and the Islamic culture make it a really interesting country to visit. Buy a good travel guide and enjoy.

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