
What are the best pokemon to defeat the elite four with in pokemon pearl/ diamond?

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I'm up to the part where I have to defeat the elite four in pokemon pearl and I was wondering what would be the best pokemon to have with you/ and what level. Also to get the nat. dex. You have to see all 150 pokemon but how to you see dialga if you dont have diamond, or know anybody who has dialga??

thanks a lot!




  1. the pokemon team i used for the indigo plateau was staraptor, torterra, flotzel, luxray, dialga, and stellix. and i trained them to about 52-55. i would really recoomend torterra and staraptor and to only use dialga and palkia's ultimate moves on really strong pokemon like the level 61 infernape for the third elite. also i would recoomend that you buy alot of moo moo milks because they are way better than super potion. because super potion cost 700 and only heals 50 hp but moo moo milk cost 500 and heals 100 hp it's a way better deal. and also you should buy lots of revives and grow more leppa berrys or you can just catch lots of cleffas or clefairys. only use elixers and ethers in casew of emergency. always save before you enter the elite four. and trust me because i beat the game (that means from the begging to beating the champion) in 18:04. in reality it toke me 3 days to beat all 8 gyms and 6 days of preperations to beat the elite 4 and champion. and only one try.

  2. the old lady in celestic town shows you a book with either dialga or palika on it a good team is empolean lv67,staraptor lv64,luxraylv66,bibarel lv.64 blissey lv.70(big hp)and last is a fire type lv.65

  3. I have beaten elite 4 easily with no sweat or trembling with this Pokemon:

    Level 61 Garchomp

    Level 58 Girafarig

    Level 60 Ponyta

    Level 62 Luxio

    Level 60 Palkia (I didn't use it at all)

    Level 60 Mismagius  

    If you visit the house north of the small shrine in Celestic Town, you'll meet the eldest of the Celestic Town, who just brought back a book that she found in the old shrine. It happens to have the Pokemon you haven't seen yet.. coincidentally, the one which is missing from your Pokedex. In an awesome twist, seeing that picture of the Pokemon, it will automatically add to your Pokedex, bringing you a total of 150 Pokemon seen!

  4. Staravia / Staraptor - LV 55

    Graveler / Golem - LV 55

    Palkia / Dialgia - LV 55

    Empoleon - starter LV 55

    Roselia / Roserade LV 55

    Luxray - LV 55

    I beat the Elite Four and Champion Cynthia the first time with this team.  Don't have anything lower than a level 55. Don't forget hyper potions or moo moo milk - have at least 20 and Revive - they are essential.  If you have the money - get the full restore instead of the milk or hyper potions.  That way you won't have to get full heal too.

    I've gone back a few times to raise the level of my pokemon but the same four pokemon that I use were Empoleon, Roserade, Graveler and Staraptor.  The other two were optional.  I even had a level 1 Feebas in the mix.  Ha ha! :))

    Once you have defeated Elite Four go to the old lady in Celestic Town.  She will show you what the legendary pokemon that is not in your game.  That should complete your "dex".

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