
What are the best pokemon to face the elite four and what levels?

by  |  earlier

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i am up to the 6th gym leader and my pokemons are .infernape lv 60.empleon 60.luxray 50.staraptor 50.torrtera 56.




  1. as long as u have pokemon lv 40 or over ur ok ps in order of type elet 4 are in

    1st one is bug so fire is to be used be use only

    2nd is ground/water so grass is to be used only

    3rd is fire,steel,normal for Drifblim use ice on it and the rest use fire

    4th is physic just use ur best pokemon not ur srtongest

    and for the fin one use ur strong pokemon ill give her super effactive moves to use for spirttomb it has no (super eff) for gastromth use grass for garchomp use ice for lucario use fire the rest is easy to beat

  2. those seem like decent pokemon. get all you pokemon around lvl 60 and you should be fine

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