
What are the best pokemons to start pokemon diamond or pearl?

by Guest59163  |  earlier

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im kinda new to this pokemon series, therefor i dont know almost any pokemon in this game.

today( my b-day ) my mom bought me a NDS with pokemon diamond and im almost over the edge of exitement :D!!

i would like some advice with what pokemon should i pick for starter and what pokemons to use in party while playing the game.




  1. Use Chimchar.  It will learn mach punch to beat Oreburgh city gym leader.  Catch Geodude, and other.

  2. i would choose piplup as my starter (the first gym is rock, and water is super effective on rock) as well as,








  4. First I like to say Happy Birthday!

    Alright, I would recommend Chimchar because there are no wild decent fire type Pokemon in Sinnoh and Chimchar is one, I chose Turtwig but I had a friend who trade over a Chimchar for me. After that, you should get a Roselia and a Buizel and evolve them.

    Hope I helped!

  5. i started with chimchar at first chimchar only knows moves  that are only fire type but later on it would evolve into monferno and internape then it would learn fire and fight moves. but starting with piplup is also a good idea because  when it evolve into prinplup and emploeon. emploeon would be part steel and part water  so have fun!!! i hope this helps!! XD  

  6. U will get Torchic, Treecko and Mudkip.

    Fire, Grass and Water respectively.

    It is better to take Treecko beacuse it is not affected my most of the pokemons u go on.


  7. You should get piplup. the first gym leader has rock type pokemons therefore u have to choose piplup.  keep training piplup into you find ur self a bronzong concentrate in training ur bronzong after you have it.

  8. Theoretically you should get Chimchar because it is a fire type and the only other fire type in sinnoh is ponyta (i think). To complete your team you will want, a water type, an electric type, a grass type, a flying type, and others to fill the void. Try a Starly for a flying type. Try Shellos for a water type. And try Budew for your grass type. Abra for a psychic type, and maybe Cranidos or Gible as your last pokemon.  

    The first link below will help you build a team if you dont like my suggestions, and the 2nd will provide you with an in-depth look at this game with everything you need to know about it.  

  9. The only wild fire pokemon in the game is Ponyta, so if you don't want a Ponyta I would suggest using the fire starter Chimchar.

    There is no one best team but most people I have seen run through the game with a Starly, Budew, and Shinx because can be found very early in the game and they grow up to be fairly decent pokemon.

    Gible are also popular, they are found later in the game but it evolves into hands down one of the strongest pokemon.

    For the last slot I would suggest finding an Abra or Gastly. They both grow up to be incredibly strong.

  10. infernape is good in attack special attack and speed

    empoleon is good in defense and special defense

    torterra is good in hp

    so I'd choose infernape given good Items it is really a sweeper

    and catch a gible turn it into garchomp at level 48. then get a good physical wall like steelix. get a special wall like mesprit or uxie. get a blissey 4 hp. and finally a tank like meta or torterra. or if u don't want 2 use a tank then use like a gastrodon 4 a special devestating wall. put it out there 2 take special hits and do special moves. don't use physical because it's attack isn't that great. this is if u started w/ infernape this is what I used I  had some difficulty  but it was a good team 4 recomended ev spreads and moves ask or go 2  I could trade u a gible if u like.

  11. When I started the game I started with-

    Chimchar from Prof. Rowan

    Starly from Route 201

    Shinx from Route 202

    Budew from Route 204

    West Sinnoh Shellos from Valley Windworks

    Chingling from Route 211

    Thats what I would recommend. :)

  12. Torchic is the best

  13. Piplup is the best starter pokemon.  It will get you ahead of your game much faster especially as you are trying to beat the gym leaders.  

    Water pokemon are vulnerable to Electric and Grass but they are strong against alot of Rock & Ground and they hold there own against Ghost once they have learned water type moves.

    Pick Piplup :))

    PS:  Happy Birthday!

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