
What are the best reasons for going green ?

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The irony of this is that saying your going green is easier than stating the reasons why your going green.




  1. For your mental, physical, and spiritual health, not to mention working towards a better world.. In all honestly, not doing anything to go green is a bit like losing hope in the world.

  2. For the survival of all inhabitants of the Earth.  We were lucky enough to be given this place that we all call home.  Previous generations failed to take care of our environment.  Look where this has gotten us, it is the responsibility of the current inhabitants of the world to take care of the Earth for future generations.  Otherwise, there will be no future generations, because there will be nothing left to sustain life.

  3. If we go green, we help others become motivated and see a way to live other than what they are used to.  It's just bad habits.

    Isn't it a shame that we had an oil baron for President the last 8 years??  By now, we could've been driving hydrogen cars if GWB had never been elected.  If the Republicans have their way, we'll destroy ANWR - not much oil there - but it would help to sustain our addiction to fossil fuels for another year or two.

  4. 1.Better Health

    2.delay Energy Crisis

    3.Saving the planet

  5. The obvious answer is to become a responsible energy-conscious person who takes reasonable means to conserve energy.

    I, myself have taken what measures I could afford to conserve energy, for after all, you save money by reducing your utility bills.  Now that's a win/win situation.

    However, I will not fall for the guilt trip which the whacko libs have tried to impose on us.  

    They can drive their Prius's and eat asparagus roots, but keep out of my life.  I will eat and drive what i like and not be driven to shame by your trashy diatribe.  

    I will continue to live my life as an American citizen, free to pursue happiness and a decent lifestyle.  

    The only reason for going green is if you buy the "greenies" message that you are a selfish and wasteful person to be living a normal life in our wonderful country.  

    The "Greenies" apparantly have too much free time on their hands.  Get a job, a real job.

  6. so you can look cool with a bran new green car

  7. "Going Green," the new buzz-words, that at times make me cringe.

    I've been living an earth friendly lifestyle, for over 20 years, on a permaculture farm.  

    The best reasons, in my personal opinion, is for self pride, independence, and self sufficiency.  I just so happens that living an earth friendly lifestyle coinsides with those three reasons.

    If you can grow some, to all of your own food, if your house/land produces its own heat, power, and energy, and if you can provide those things for yourself, and your family, what is there not to be extremely proud of?  Remember when Americans would pride themselves on good ol' self reliance?  

    I've been through MAJOR winter storms, flooding all around me (we don't live in flood plains ourselves...too smart for that), forest fires, range fires, earthquakes, volcanoes (Mt. St. Helens).....guess who's home people come to, to seek refugue?  Guess who is able to take them in, because our farm, and home are producing food, water, and heat (soon power)?  Guess who has a major food store, and plenty of first aid, and cold weather knowledge?  

    You should "go green, " because it makes you beholding to NO-ONE!  You will NOT be one of those people standing in line waiting for the Government to come and save them.  

    Your home will already be producing its own food, power, heat, and clean water.  

    It also means that when you become elderly, you will not worry if the Social Security checks are going to come or not.  

    Best reasons....pride, independence, self sufficiency.  

    Its just an added bonus that you then get to help other people, AND make the world a better place for everyone to live, including wildlife.


    Permaculture homesteading/farming over 20 years

  8. So we have a future

  9. To prove that God didn't waste energy on developing humans! We were given the prefrontal cortex to think our way out of extinction.

  10. To go bankrupt.

  11. To save money.   If done right it costs alot less to go green than to stay the course of how things are now.

  12. To make this earth a better place for our children

  13. Face it, there really is no alternative.  Eventually we will all have to conserve more of everything we use.  Use it, reuse it or pass it on....I even rework clothing now in order to get more use of the material.

  14. Health, genetic strength for future generations, ( A FUTURE), to bring us back to mass evolution - survival/extinction.

  15. beats the alternative.  consumption, sickness and waste is so expensive!

  16. I guess if you like the colour green, you would be happiest to paint yourself green.

  17. for the sake of human's health!

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