
What are the best running shoes to prevent shin splints?

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I run about 4 miles a day 6 days a week. It is more than I used too and I'm getting bad shin splints. Does anyone have any recommendations for shoes that can help alleviate this?




  1. if you have shin splints from running harder and longer than you're used to, then that is normal. There are no magic shoes you can buy to get rid of them once you already have your shin splints. Unless you're current shoes aren't protecting your feet. But i always say that for shoes, it depends on the individual, your foot type, what you're looking for. Go to a good sports store and get your foot fitted and they'll tell you what kind of shoes you need when you run.

    For your shin splints now, i recommend running only on soft trails, grass, etc. stay away from concrete!!!! it makes it worse because of the impact on your foot. but anyways, for your shin splints, be sure to stretch your calves really good before and after you run. After is very important even though lots of people ignore it. make sure you ice and stretch. switch off, kind of like a cycle. don't ice for too long though.

    if your shin splints are so bad that you can't even run, then take a 1-2 week break and ease back into your workout.

    But once again, if you have shin splints there is no way to get rid of them immediately. Everyone gets them after they start to train harder and longer than they are used to.

    i hope this helps and good luck!

  2. ask the people at the local athletic store, they should know

  3. Your doing too much too soon, it why your getting shin splints.  Ice your shins after your run and take ibuproprin (motrin, excedrin, advil, etc) ice them for 10-15 minutes 3times per day.  This will eleviate some swelling/pain.  Shorten your strides will help as well.  If you need shoes, go to  a specialty running store, they will fit you into proper running shoes for your foot type, gait, etc.  Do some light stretching after your run, like stair lifts (stand on the edge of the stair and lift and hold for 10seconds and then down, with 10 seconds, do the 5X)  Balance on each leg (tree pose in yoga) with strengthen your ankles and calves.

    Cross training can help too, like cycling, swimming, pool running, etc.  Try cutting back your mileage and a day of your running and build up your mileage/days by 10% per week.

    Here is a link below to help you with more info:

    Good luck!  Keep running!

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