
What are the best skates to get for children..beginning ice skating?

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I just enrolled my three sons for ice skating lessons. They had their first lesson and seemed to love it. I would love to buy them their own skates but do not want to spend a fortune. I do not know what the best type of skate is. I have seen some that the size is supposed to be adjustable...are those any good. My kids are 4, 5, and 8 years old. Thanks




  1. just go into a store like Play-It-Again and have them try on old skates. they dont cost much. make sure their toes are touching the edge.

  2. May I suggest that you use the rental skates at least for the first session to make sure that your kids really want to take lessons.

    I have seen parents purchasing nice inexpensive skates for their kids and after a lesson or two they want to quit. All that money down the drain and then they out grow them so fast, and by the time they might be willing to try again, the skates are to small. Rental skates are good for trying the sport out they usually have good support.

    When it's time to get them their own skates, a sporting good store will do for start. I would make sure that the boots have good support in the ankles. That's very important for progressing in the levels.  Price range may be from $40-$75+.

    The boots I'm suggesting for your oldest   are made from leather instead of Vinyl. Which means better support and better progression on the ice.  

    I would shy away for the hard shell boots. I think their to stiff and have no give. The kids seem to have a little harder time adjusting to them.


    Make sure you have a professional fit your children the the proper size skates.

    I hope this helps.

    Good Luck!

  3. Try Riedell skates. They have decent entry level skates that could last them for a while, even if just recreationally. Their skates are also reasonably priced.

    The White Ribbon 112 is $72 in black for boys sizes 9-13

    The Yellow Ribbon 110 is only $50 but comes only in white

    There are also the 625/615 Soft Series skates which don't look like typical figureskates but are comfortable and supportive, and good for recreational purposes, come in different colours, and are $55.

    Boys skates are supposed to be black, but if you are really concerned about the pricing (white skates are usually $10 cheaper) I have seen parents give their sons white (girl) skates, for the same reasons until they get serious with skating. However, most little boys may prefer black polish or boot covers (cheap) just to feel more comfortable.

    I hope the info I have to offer helps! Skating is a very fun sport, whether recreationally or competetively! Good luck!

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