
What are the best skin products to firm sagging skin/?

by Guest35  |  earlier

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I am 37 years old and searching for a new skin care line to address sagging skin on my cheeks..




  1. Many skin products are skin harming, skin aging and now we are learning health harming - even cancer causing. This secret technique was handed down mother to daughter over many generations in our family. It really is a miracle treatment/cure and has helped many on Answers. Search my Best Answers(Skin Conditions) to see glowing reports. Secret is repeatedly massaging quite vigorously. Beauticians and others have fostered the idea that we should only gently massage but vigorous massage has only benefited users. To avoid skin pulling and stretching you tighten or flex the part being massaged and in doing so it exercises and conditions the face and neck muscles that have started to weaken with age and are responsible for sagging and wrinkling. At same time massage is firming and tightening and toning skin . Skin is constantly shedding and renewing. The invigorating massage speeds this up and forces a new clearer skin to quickly appear. It literally can rejuvenate the face and users look many years younger. it also gives skin a healthy radiant glow. Wrinkles, lines, crows feet . Again flexing skin first, you rub them over and over many times using any oil. For best results do 30 min or more daily (can do in two 15 min sessions) and they simply start to fade and in as little 3 days you will see definite fading. Keep it up and they will be greatly diminished . I give very detailed massage instructions in my B.A's. If you cannot find please email me and I will gladly send them to you.

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