
What are the best solutions for making envioroment friendly cars?

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I am doing a school project about pollution. Please help me out.

I really thank the people who help me. And please be practical.

P.S. No silly answers




  1. one of the best solutions is to upgrade ur mobile to cng ( compressed natural gas) or lpg ( liquified petroleum gas). this will reduce pollution a lot.

    if u can affrord a great ammount u should use battery opperated cars .

    they r the best solution to the problem.

  2. google the air car - it takes in air - filters it and then returns it cleaner then when it was taken in.

  3. Pedal power.

    Other than that, you are talking about the trade-off of evils.  Electric cars are the lowest overall pollution generators, but you still have some pollution, and the battery disposal is expensive and toxic.

    Bio fuels are a better than gasoline, but they take more energy to refine, so it may be a wash depending on whose numbers you believe.

    Hybrid cars are also better than gas, but people are finding out that they are not as efficient as once thought.

    Truly, the very best solution is still awaiting discovery.

  4. For today's technology, probably simply smaller very efficient cars, Hybrids, and small diesels.

    Hydrogen - way off, and requires a lot of energy

    Electric - to inconvenient and just moves pollution

    Biofuels - uses a lot of energy, can effect food supply

    LNG - Still fossil, but a little less pollution

    Isn't it amusing. After all the hype, we are back where we started (Hybrid, Smaller Cars, Diesels) Maybe engineers aren't so stupid afterall. Maybe it isn't a big plot by corporations.

  5. Many things have to be considered when calculating a car's effect on the environment.

    It starts with the materials and products used in the car's manufacture.  

    The bulk lies in the energy consumption and emissions during the car's useful life, plus any extra resources it needs (parts, tires, fluids, etc).  

    Then there is the recyclability/reuse potential/disposal of the car's materials once it is discarded.

    Most agree that the least-impacting car is one of minimal mass, with minimal rolling resistance, minimal air resistance, and enough design engineering to reduce its energy need and emissions.  

    The Toyota Prius is actually a pretty good example in today's world.  It combines all of these stratagies to reduce environmental impact.  

    It is manufactured with renewability in mind, with extreme reliability and recyclability.

    It has design priorities of low wind resistance with a round horizonal profile, cone-shaped nose section, underbody laminar airflow panels, low ground-clearance, and aerodynamic wheel trim rings.  This results in a lower coefficient of friction than the new Corvette. The narrow section-width tires provide low rolling resistance, which can be further improved with increased air pressure.  Weight minimization strategies were used to result in a curb weight of 2700 lbs....light for a mid-size car.   The drivetrain is optimized for low fuel consumption and low emissions with a small-displacement Atkinson cycle engine, two quiet high-torque electric motors, a NiMH traction battery, and a seamless power split differential with regenerative braking.   Emissions are minimized though on-demand use of the engine and strict, computer controlled and catalytic emissions controls.  Even the fuel tank has a bladder inside and tight fitting nozzle to minimize the emission of fuel vapors.  

    Each year more development will be made to experiment with fuels, energy sources, and other technologies, so long as consumers support it through the purchase of these cars.

  6. Buy a horse.

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