
What are the best stocks to buy now?

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I have about $1,000 to invest. And I can invest about that much each month.




  1. I inherited A T & T stock and that is doing pretty well.  But I have a good friend who inherited Exxon stock and he is quickly becoming a wealthy man because of what the oil companies are doing to the prices of gas.  Hope that helps. Can't imagine how much stocks such as these are worth.

  2. Wow..... I'd re-think about getting stock advice from strangers whose qualifications and motives can never be known by you.

    Here's an idea..... read a book;

    Mutual Funds For Dummy's

    It will give you a basic understanding. You can use what you've learned and go to one of the following companies;

    T. Rowe Price (best for target funds)

    Vanguard  (inexpensive funds, fairly good performers)

    Schwab (broker, many fund families).

    Fidelity  (broker, many fund families).

    Before you invest understand;


    asset allocation

    time horizon

    Good luck..... this will be fun and rewarding!!!!!!!!!

  3. Natural Gas - CHK, NGS, UNG, SJT

  4. We have High Yield Funds such as

    ATT, which is yielding well right now...

    Pimco, which is doing really well

    Miller Brewing, yields are great, stock on the rise all the time.

    American Funds of America, good rise on stocks

    American Funds Europe, which is really good right now

    UBS  a 500 S&P   does very well

    it just all depends on how much you want to gain.

    the gas companies right now, are yielding high, due to gas prices, but remember when gas was down, how all their stocks kept gong up and then really down.

    call Schwabb and you cant go wrong, they are our brokers and are very well at giving good sound advice....

    good luck

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