
What are the best strip clubs/brothels in Palma Nova/Magaluf?

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What are the best strip clubs/brothels in Palma Nova/Magaluf?




  1. Mcdonalds ;]

  2. wow your a nice dude

  3. I wish I was as grown up and sophisticated as you, fancy being old enough to know that some inadequates have to pay for it, Oops you don't do you? Oh you poor inadequate thing I hope when you grow up somebody takes a nice liking to you.

  4. Spain can do without people like you. The Spanish people deserve better, afterall, you will be a guest in their country. My advice would be to stay at home.

  5. Errrr HELLO you are going to Magaluf- Forget spending money in expensice brothels - the British girls on holiday there will give it to you in exchange for 1 x Sminoff Ice / Blue WKD!

    Except me of course!  Wil be there in August myself x

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