
What are the best submissions ? in your opinion

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i want to know the best submissions in MMA




  1. Any submission is a good one as long as it is properly set up and executed. However, every submission has an escape, that is why it is just as important to develop the set up to the submission as it is to learn the submission itself. It is this mental aspect of the game that separates guys like Josh Koschek (great wrestler, great takedowns, very strong, but weak submission game, tends to rely on ground and pound) from guys like Nick Diaz ( dynamic ground game, even subbed Takenori Gomi with a Gogoplata before even Joe Rogan knew what a Gogoplata was)

  2. The rear naked choke is the most simple and effective without risking a serious injury.

    The flying arm-bar is definitely the sweetest looking.

    But the flying scissor heel hook comes close:

  3. I like the Triangle Choke.

  4. The CRUCIFIX! MUAHAHAHAHA! it may be hard to achieve it, but when you do, bend the hand like your forcing them to do a chicken wrist and they wont be able to stop it cause you legs are holding down the other arm

  5. u should know them the ones u see are pretty much the only ones they use haha, rear naked choke, triangle lock, arm bar, and sometimes a footlock

  6. The best submissions, this is entirely up to the situation and always dependent on two factors.

    1.)Best arsenal to be implemented on the opponent considering body type. If he's big and fat, omnoplatas work very well. Smaller guys are immune and roll easily out of this.

    2.)The ones that come naturally to you the best. That is the moves you have a great deal of experience with and thus can "feel" out the opponent ergo minimalizing escape possibility.

    I find the submissions that are most popular are

    -Kimura (in all forms, even a takedown variation: its called a fallin kimura)

    -armbar (including flying)

    -trinagle (including flying)

    -The rear naked choke

    -arm triangles are gaining popularity

    -leg and foot locks

    -slicers are gaining popularity

    -and neck cranks especially the guillotine

    The submissions that are typical and most people outline are used in two situations, when the opponent is dumb enough to leave themself open to it (mma fighters are wising up to these moves alot more now than before), or when the oppoenent has been worn down enough to manipulate him into it (this is a popular method, one that fedor implements with his ground and pound very effectively).

    The submission that are the best, are the ones that truly fool someone.

    But even better. Moves that are unorthodoxly applied in a situation where the opponent expect you to do something and react in a defensive manner that aids your submission- no where is this more impressive than on the ground.

    i hope this helps.

    please rate

    and thanks

  7. The combinations are the best.  For example, when you've got a triangle and an arm bar going on at the same time.  It's truly a beautiful thing.

  8. Kimura.

  9. peruvian neck tie

  10. the around the bend t*t twist or the hidden prostate poke.

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