
What are the best swimming tips for a first time swimmer/ beginner?

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I started my swimming yesterday very first time pls. give me some tips how to learn and be more confident




  1. go at your own pace feel comfortable each step of the way

  2. The most important thing is relaxation. If you clench your muscles, you won't be able to float. And if you can't float, you won't feel confident

    In the shallow end of the pool, learn these steps one after the other

    - Blow bubbles with your face under water. Repeat several times, so you get used to breathing out under water and can do it automatically without thinking about it

    - Holding an edge of the pool, float on your stomach. In the beginning, your legs will drop and touch the floor. That means you are not relaxed. Relax and try again. You have to master this step before you go any further. Also, it is easier to float if your body is horizontal and your face is in the water. Blow bubbles in water to breathe out, turn your head to one side and lift your head out of water to breathe in. You will need this breathing exercise later for lap swims

    - Float on your back. Holding on to the edge of the pool, very slowly lower your head and body, spread out your arms and let go.

    - Recovery. In 2-3 ft water, learn to come up to the surface by using arm movement.

    - Treading water. Keep yourself upright by moving your hands and/or feet in deeper water. This is to prevent sinking in deep water, and is very important to learn.

    - After you have mastered floating, learn to kick. Move just your legs. You should master this still holding on to the side of the pool. Your legs will get tired, but keep practising.

    - Learn various strokes. I learnt to swim with my head under water (unless turning my head out to breathe) and without using boards. I found that to be the best way as an adult. Kids usually learn with boards.

    As an adult learning to swim, I hope you are taking lessons from a certified swim instructor (preferably Red Cross certified). It is harder for adults to learn swimming because we anticipate various scenarios and make ourselves nervous. So, stick to the shallow end of the pool until you are comfortable with the basics.

    Go to the deep end of the pool only under the supervision and training of a certified instructor and in a pool with lifeguards.

  3. dont be scared. there are lifegaurds. you have to trust yourself.

  4. Don't pee in the pool.

  5. Don't be scared to get your face wet.

  6. start in the baby pool if there have one. or sallow end just mess about there it get use to the water then hand on to the sides and splash your feet about. its always best to have a beginners swimming instructor. would be the best way

  7. swim with a float for a while then you know that there's no way of you'll get used to it and will be able to swim without it in no time...good luck

  8. First thing to teach a beginner is to float. Even if you think you can't swim, there is no way you can drown. Just get in the water and move your arms and legs at the same time. You don't even have to do it fast, it's called treading. Once you get used to that, you'll see that it's pretty easy and you'll gain confidence to start moving.

  9. I teach children private swiiming lessons and I guess it would work the same way on an adult. I start with a kick board because keeping your body level in the water makes it much easier to swim. I start them working on there kick laying like superman with their arms stretched out in front of them. This teachs how important kicking and arm movement together are what keep you afloat. Then I move them to arm pulls. Using the same kick board I rotate them using each arm swimming one length of the pool with one arm then back with the other. Always stressing them to keep kicking. Then I eventually remove the board and swimm along side them untill the dont need me anymore. If you cant find a kick board get a Boogie board. Star in shallow water so that if you need to you can get control. Start slow. There is no magic. It takes practice. I hope this helps. Good Luck. And remember "Keep Kicking".

  10. first use floats to practise leg exercises. Then introduce an arm and only then both arms. Concentrate on technique as apposed to actual distance and speed swam.

    i see people who have been swimming for years, but with such a bad technique they now can't swim any other way.

  11. don't try to breath when your head is under water

  12. Try to avoid drowning

  13. Stay afloat & do not drown.

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