
What are the best tips for getting better at volleyball within 6 months?

by  |  earlier

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Im going to try out for my new High schools volleyball team, and they are 3rd best in state. Im pretty good but last season i had so skip the season because i was injured. I really want to start early in getting in shape and learning new drills and stuff, but im going to have to do it on my own. Is there any tips or drills that can help me get better ?




  1. A lot of good players who want to practice on their own use a wall. Underhand pass against the wall, set against the wall. Hit then pass the rebound. Hit then set the rebound.

    Find a good wall. Also keep a ball in your room and set to yourself while in bed before you go to sleep.

    For getting in shape, do one leg squat jumps and calf raises every night before bed. This is easy and will make you jump higher.

  2. To be the best passer there go outside in the cold and pass the ball to someone or yourself. I say this because the air is so cold the ball will hurt your arms it will sting i mean. so when u play inside a gym if someone hits the at you hard it wont hurt.

    To hit harder start lifting weights at 10 lbs. It will make your arms biger. email me if u need more help

  3. Start lifting weights, wear ankle weights to strengthen your calf muscles. work on your footwork like in your backyard or even in your house!!! pass and, set to yourself too. there are a bunch of different ways to condition yourself and get ready for the next season!!! go to your public library and check out a book that can help you with training!! Also if you are really serious about volleyball i would suggest trying out for a club, if its not to late this year. It is a great way to stay in shape and to keep working on your volleyball skills all year long!!!!! GOOD LUCK with making the team!!!!! :))))

  4. Since you took a season off due to injury, you should probably see a physical therapist because you don't want to do more harm to your injury.  Here's a list of things to do to get in shape (if your previeous injury will not be affected.)

    1. Jog/walk at least 2 miles three time a week

    2. do wall sits for about five minutes each day

    3. Ask someone who was on the team the year you were out and ask her to bump and pepper (bump, set, spike)

    4. i participated in sports training with a physical therapist and I told him what I did in the game and he worked with me to stregthen the muscules I would use.

    Hope you make the team!

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