
What are the best tips for learning to play tennis?

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i am in High School, and want to join the tennis team, i have been practicing all summer for 2 hours a day with my friend (who is also a beginner), and we both desperately need some help. Since we are only teenagers, we cant hire somebody to coach us, so any tips would be greatly appreciated.




  1. ok, while you might have fun, you're not gonna get better playing with your friend. You need to play against people better than you and/or have some kind of formal instruction. There are tennis camps and programs everywhere, so find one and sign up :)

  2. I was a avid tennis player, and I learned that be consistant.  work on the basics forhand, backhand, and serve. Do not sway from being consistant

  3. K.I.S.S

    Keep It Simple Stupid

    Learn to master the basics, forehand, backhand, slice shots, ground strokes and lobs.  Depending how good you are a start is learning to get it over the net.  When you get it over 95% of the time move on to more delicate shots.

    A lot of work can be done off the court, simple things like practicing switching from forehand to backhand.  Keeping clean movements also helps, it sounds silly (and it is) but simply trying to avoid cracks on a cobbled street will help a lot.

    Also dont overdo it, too much could result in injury, the best way to learn is to enjoy it so make sure you have fun and dont take it too seriously.

    Hope this helps!

  4. I have trained many great players. its a very simple sport requiring more fitness than skill. Most players lose through mistakes. Look today at the British No1 . Most of the time her lost points were because she hit them just out. Had she kept them just in she would have won comfortably today as Venus was just turning up.So to increase your ability by 600% keep them in. All the time. These are of course the big tips. Only the best tenis players stck to hem.

  5. you need to play with someone who has more experience then you and can show you the basics

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