
What are the best universities in Texas with a good Science department?

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I'm interested in pursuing a Biology degree. My major is Marine Biology. What school has it's own Biology department? I'm hoping on finding something in Texas, but if I don't have a choice then I will go elsewhere.




  1. I suggest you use it'll help you prepare college with an organizer, you can find colleges with the majors your interested right in Texas...

  2. Here are a couple Texas schools with highly ranked Biology departments:

    Rice University

    U of Texas (Austin)

    Some non Texas Marine Biology schools:

    U of Miami, UCLA, UCSB, UCSD, Occidental, Stanford, Humboldt State, Oregon State, U Oregon, UW, Hawaii-Manoa, Alaska-Fairbanks, U Miami, Eckerd, and U Florida

    You may want to look at this page that lists all Marine Biology Programs.

  3. Most if not all Texas universities have a biology department.  UT Austin does, but if you're interested in Marine biology, you should check out Texas A&M Galveston or Corpus Christi, as they have excellent classes and research and graduate programs in Marine biology, especially since they are on the coast!

  4. University of Texas.  

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