
What are the best way to save gasoline? waring?

by  |  earlier

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According to what I have read (and now what I do)

1. Drive 60mph on interstate roads (unless an emergency).

2. Coast to red lights and keep out of gear when you can. (Tapping the brake pedal keeps brakes from getting hot and waring out faster.)

3. Turn off engine if it is going to be a long red light.

4. Don't play 'creepee mouse'. Keep your engine out of gear. as keeping in gear puts strain on it and uses more gas.

5. Don't make a fast acceleration when light changes to green

as this uses more gas then a gradual acceleration.

(Creepee mouse is moving a little each time car in front of you moves a little while waiting at a stop light)




  1. Number 3 isn't correct.

    Only turn off your engine if you will be stopping for longer than 2 - 3 minutes. If for shorter, you end up wasting more gas.

    Constant speed on highway is correct for saving gas. Using cruise control will help you do that.

    Watch your speed

    Watch your acceleration

    Keep tires inflated

    Drive slowly and smoothly

    Keep your car maintained

    Change air filter

    Those are the basic ways.

    I highly recommend this eBook because it explains all the top tips thoroughly and can help you save up to 30% on your fuel expenses.

  2. leave the car in gear coasting - most fuel injected cars cut fuel when decelerating.  You use no gas when decelerating vs a little bit when idling.

    Keep plenty of air in your tires.  Keep the windows shut.  Don't drive so fast.  Don't rev the engine out through the gears; get into overdrive as soon as you can.  If you can keep the throttle closed far enough, you can stay in 'closed loop' mode more often, which uses less gas because 'open loop' mode is much richer air to fuel ratio.

  3. 55 will save you more gas than 60 - that was the federally mandated speed limit a while ago, mandated to save gas.

    I don't think coasting to a stop light saves gas.

    The thing that would save you the most gas would be to check your tire pressure regularly (like once a week) and make sure your tires are properly inflated.  Most cars are at least 5 LBS low and proper inflation would buy you an extra 2-3 miles per gallon.

  4. Those are all great ways to save gas. There are a couple of others though.

    If you look on your tire there will be a maximum inflation number. Often, the number on your tire will differ from the recommended number in your manual. Inflate your tires to the spec on the actual tire. Highly inflating your tires creates less of a contact patch with the ground and will lessen your drag.

    You sorta mentioned this, but avoid fast breaking by coasting.

    Use cruise control. This keeps your car at a constant speed therefore eliminating the continual bits of acceleration.

    Don't use air conditioning- that robs power from your engine and will require more RPMs to keep your car at a particular speed. Just keep your windows open. Only use air conditioning when driving at highway speeds- then your open windows create more drag than the a/c robs.

    This one takes more planning, but if you can, mark out the routes to and from work or the store that have the fewest stops. The more rolling corners and straight away roads, the better. It might take a minute more, but you will have a lot less accelerating and braking periods.

    Whenever I am in a traffic jam (at a crawl) highway or not, and I am on a slight downhill slope I pop my car into neutral and turn the vehicle off and let it roll. If you have a hand brake it's easier to control (as your power brakes do not work without a lot of force with the engine turned off). I also do this when I am crossing the border via the Ambassador Bridge in Detroit. There is always at least a 25 minute wait (creepee mouse) with all of the traffic barely moving so I always turn my car off the first time we come to a stand still and roll my way down from there. You do that a couple times a month and you save a whole hour of stop and go driving.

    And I heard another tip, but I don't know that it is true. Apparently, if you fill your tank up when it is half empty, rather than fully empty you will save money. Apparently gas evaporates quite a bit, so the less room you leave in your tank for vapors, the less evaporation will take place.. (that sorta sounds like a crock of c**p to me, but if it works it works.) I'm one of those people that likes getting all the points/air miles/ rewards I can, so I wait until it is right on empty, myself.

    If you do ALL of these things (your tips and my tips) I wouldn't be surpised if you saved 30%... especially if you keep your speed down.

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