
What are the best ways America can grow?

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Is America the best it can be or is there still room for improvement? Are people in America doing better than ever or worst than before?




  1. tEACH INNOVATION AND INVENTIVENESS, Exports build economies. Inventing things are a big part of our culture. We are taught it in schools.

  2. I like what America wants to stand for. Yes you fall short of the mark but not for a lack of trying. Continual improvement is always a good thing. One area I believe will take work is the ugly racism in your midst but that is a global stigma. As far as anything else is concerned God Bless America and the World it lives in.

  3. I would invent more amazing products that would make us clever.

  4. I would say that America is FAR from being the best it can be.  We are egocentric, under-educated and lazy.

    A small example:  American citizens somehow feel that the rest of the world should speak English.   However, learning a second language is commonplace in most countries. It's part of a basic education.  Until we take our children's future seriously, we will never be great.

  5. Truly learn to respect and love each other and not because they have a church to tell them to this but to do this because they have it in them to be kind loving and caring of all people especially the poor and young and elderly. I am a student of Social Work and I hope that I will always hold these simple truths. All the technology in the world can never make up for human kindness and caring.

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