
What are the best ways to bond with a 6 month old?

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What are the best ways to bond with a 6 month old?




  1. Read to them, sing to them, play peek-a-boo, talk to them, hold them, etc.

    Just basic things. =) It doesn't take too much to bond with an infant. Just shower them with love and attention.  

  2. Hold them, cuddle them, play with them. Lot of eye contact, sing and talk to them. Baby massage is another great way to bond I think. The first time I massaged my baby he loved it so much his tongue was hanging out of his mouth :D

  3. The best way to bond with a 6 month old is to hold them. Carry them in a sling, offer them skin to skin contact, talk to them, sing to them, tickle them, make them laugh, feed them, change all of their needs.

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