
What are the best ways to bring up young children up to 12 yrs old???

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So that they do not turn into 'bad hats', organize rampage parties or mass shootings in their grown-up years? Do you think that these dozen years are most critical times that would determine the quality of their lives later on?

Your kind observations and comments are appreciated.




  1. Providing them with a safe, secure, and loving environment.  Showing them by example on how to act as a productive, mature, independent, and loving adult.  Actions speak louder than words.

    And you will find that even more critical than those first 12 years, will be the next six years.  You must go the entire distance.

  2. spend time with them....address their worries and fears.... love them challenge them...theach then to care about the outcasts...

  3. #1 - communication...always be open with them and always LISTEN to them...they should know you'll always love them no matter what, but they should also know what kind of behavior you expect from them.

    #2 - a good church...young children need to have good morals, remember the saying "it takes a village to raise a child"...people in a church, who share your morals, will be able to help you get your point across.

    #3 - your actions speak louder than your words...children watch what us adults your life as you want your children to live theirs.

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