
What are the best ways to get a clear face?

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What are the best ways to get a clear face?




  1. Apply the besan face mask to clear your skin. Also drink plenty of water to banish away toxins

  2. TriClear acne and facial solution! ITS AWSOME!

  3. Drink plenty of water, this flushes out all the toxins, also wash your face morning and night. If you have bad spots, then use an astringent to clean them, this will stop any bacteria spreading.

    Another big one, that I never live by is, dont squeeze or rub your face, this makes it worse.

    Steaming your face can also help.

  4. drink plenty of water cuz it flushes of the toxins.  Use a skin care routine everyday, morning and night.  I find that acne kits help me the best.  Clean and Clear Advantage works good, so does acnefree and things like that.  make sure that you put moisturizer on ur face too. I kno it may sound weird but the places on my face that are the dryest is where I have the most acne.  and if your skin is too dry, then your skin makes extra oils to help the dry skin, and with the extra oil, it creates even more acne.

    Good luck and I hope I helped!

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