
What are the best ways to practice and improve my Italian?

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I don't know anybody who speaks Italian so I can not have conversations with them, and I also live in a small town so there are not Italian classes offered (nor in surrounding towns either). I've pretty much taught myself out of books but any suggestions on how to improve would be great. Thanks!

Oh, and the reason why I'm trying to learn Italian so hard is because in June of 2007 I'll be living in bella Italia for a year. Thanks again.




  1. doesn't it sound pratically the same accent as spanish? Just watch Telenovelas.

  2. I'd suggest subscribing to an Italian magazine and/or newspaper. Also, if you're on Yahoo Messenger or other IM programs, seek out Italians to have chat sessions with.

  3. watch italian movie for100 times the same one helps a lot

  4. Hello,

    I'm italian and i would like learn your language.

    exchange ? :)

    how old are you ?

    best regards.

    p.s. : please send me your email address because i don't answer at your mail because yahoo have this error : Your email did not go through because the recipient\'s email address has not been confirmed.

  5. Hi there,

    if you have 2 improve ur Italian, the only way 2 do it is speaking a lot. Iam available 2 chat w/u. so u can add me on yahoo messenger (or msn messenger) or by email. (if u click on my profile u will find my email address).

    Which city are u going to live? Do u come to study or to work? I live in Milan I'm going 2 Phoenix in a couple of month. Where r u from?

    Take care

  6. ahhh, you take a Italian class when get here? And speak with Italians? We love help! Do not worry....have lots fun!

  7. try  an "online school", order books with exercises an then read italian books, watch italian  dvds....

    You also have to socialise with some italians...

  8. I wouldn't worry much wearing your shoes...if you already know pretty well Italian, when you'll be there you'll have all the chances to improve the language and your knowledge will grow fast...anyway as someone suggested you, watch a movie that you particoularly love 100 times and step by step you'll learn more, or at least, you can find a chat just to chitchat to prove your Italian skilling.

  9. Find some Italian movies on dvd. You need to hear how things are pronounced and books won't do that for you.

  10. You could start with this course.

    I advise you to read newspapers or magazines to learn a large number of words.

    You can find here the on line versions of major Italian newspapers:

    The pronunciation is pretty easy, but when you'll move across Italy you will find very different accent.

    The verbs are the biggest hurdle, many of them are irregular but don't care if you make mistakes, every Italian can anyway understand what you want  to say.

    Could you give me some English lesson? ;-)

  11. go places

  12. Here's a few basic phrases to get you started:

    My name is...  Mi chiamo...  (mee kee-yah-moh)

    I am...  Sono...  (soh-noh)

    How are you?  Com'e' sta?  (koh-may-stah)

    What's your name?  Com'e' si chiama? (koh-may see-kee-yah-mah)

    Where is...?  Dov'e'...? (doh-vay)

    Thank you. Gratzie. (grat-zee-yay)

    You're welcome. Prego

    I would like to buy this.  Vorrei comprare questo.

    At the store: Closed = Chiuso. Open = Aperto.

    Go away. Se ne vada.

    I don't understand. No lo capisco. (non low ca-pee-scoh)

    At the restaurant/pub:

    I would like a glass of red wine.  Vorrei un bicchiere del vino rosso.  (vor-ay oon bee-kee-yer-ay del vee-no roh-so)

    I would like this. Vorrei questo. (keeping it simple)

    I would like a glass of draught beer. Vorrei una birra della spina.

    A little more.  Un po' di piu', per favore. (Un poh dee pyoo, pear fa-vor-ay)

    The check, please.  Il conto, per favore. (eel con-toh pear-fa-vor-ay)


    It's a pleasure to meet you.  E' un piacere di conoscerlei.

    The pleasure is mine. Il piacere e' mio.

    Hold on a second! Aspetta!  (ah-speh-tah)

    Excuse me (when trying to get by someone).  Permesso.

    Excuse me (when interrupting conversation). Mi scusi. (mee sku-see)

    Up yours! (to put it politely). Vafanculo.

    Hope that helps!  E' stato un piacere.

  13. hi i m italian if you want learn italian you can go on italian chat

  14. find an online friend that you can atleast converse with, buy some instructional tapes, if you have satellite tv see if theres an italian channel, rent italian movies.

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