
What are the best ways to quit watching p**n?

by Semione Abi  |  9 years, 3 month(s) ago

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Adult Film, Amateur Erotica

 Tags: porn, quit, watching



  1. Semione Abi

    Here are three ways to slow down or stop watching p**n...

    1. Commit to only viewing one actress’s work

    This is a lesser of two evils compared to over consumption.  Instead of randomly clicking through hundreds of different p**n stars, you can condition your brain to respond to one individual p**n actress.  Presumably this performer has the body type that you’re attracted to, so this way when you start dating your offline girlfriend, she should have a similar body type and it won’t be as much of a jump for your mind to make into reality.

    2. Cut down time spent watching p**n

    Go from your normal p**n-usage down to once or twice a week.  Schedule it, if you need to, but set a hard boundary and stick to it.  And if both of these options sound too difficult to do at this point in your life…

    3. Try the 90-day experiment

    Go cold turkey. Go without p**n for 90 days.  If you don’t notice an improvement in your mental clarity, appreciation of women in real life, and erectile strength, then go back to what you were doing before.

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Semione Abi


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