
What are the best windscreen wipers?

by  |  earlier

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i am thinking about a pair of champion aeroadvantage wipers.




  1. I always used Bosch. It is little expensive but worth paying for it. Fit wiper  your self to save fitting charges by mechanic,  

  2. Bosch baby

  3. Everyone who is saying Bosch are the best have not tried PIAA silicone wipers, they are the best wipers you will ever put on your car and I guarantee you will never go back to Bosch or Champion wipers.

  4. bosh are better than champion

  5. wipers that trafic wardens can't lift up

    yesterday my dad got booked by one when we were in time and it was displayed properly

  6. and Bosch are better than Bosh

  7. BOSCH are best windscreen wipers. I use mostly around winter time (when i expect snow) and keep a cheap store brand on the other times so my wife over kills them.

    Insted of cleaning the mist off in the morning with a rag in the trunk, she set the wipers on high to clean it off.

  8. Yeah, I was going to say Bosch too. I never buy anything else.

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