
What are the best & worse things about New Zealand?

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We are planning to migrate in New Zealand but there are a few things that need to be considered. Do you guys have any ideas on the best and worse things about New Zealand?

Would appreciate detailed opinions. ^___^

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  1. Best is beautiful. Worst is a lot of hills. (south island).

  2. Best:

    *  Government subsided college/university

    * Less Trafic

    * Friendly locals

    * Cleaner air

    * Beautiful scenery (mountains, harbours, forrests, beachs)

    * Mild temperature never too hot or too cold

    * Sporty/outdoor culture

    *Good excange rate for your dollar if you move here


    * Geographical isolation from the rest of the world

    * Need larger malls ours are only 2 or 3 levels high

    * Public transportation could be better

  3. That depends on your preferences of course.  Here's mine:

    Best - laidback attitudes of people.  BEAUTIFUL country.  Lots of stuff to do, either outdoorsy stuff, or in the cities.  Close to Australia and pacific islands for holidays.  You can choose to live in subtropical northland, or continental dunedin.  Dolphins.  mountains.  flat plains.  BEACHES!  Never live more than 1-2 hours from a beach.

    Worst - depends what you do but pay is not as good as US or Uk.  But lifestyle can be way better.  Not all people are not as forward or as outgoing as alot of people in the US and some americans find that hard.  We don't generally have air conditioning in houses, so it can be quite hot or cold if you'r in an old house.  But if you have your own house you can make sure its up to scratch.

    If you make a comment on what you are worried about I can give you my opinion on it!

  4. bad things, student loans, high taxes but still have to pay to see the doctor (unlike the UK), can be hard to get work because low population compared to bigger places, relativly low wages compared to many other countries. I think OZ has 30% higher wages now which is pretty sad really.

    good things: the sea is usually close to most places, fresh air and greenery.

  5. they talk funny

    thats a negative

    fush and chups at sux o clock

  6. i would have to say to pick Goldengi as the best answer, that was put down to a tee

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