
What are the best years of your life so far?

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What age have you enjoyed most and why? What are the best years of your life so far and why?




  1. My best years were from 1966 to 1971. In 1966 I was 17 years old and a senior in high school. I graduated in 1967, got a job and bought my first car, a 1951 Chevy. Then in 1968 I bought my first new car, a 1968 Plymouth Road Runner. Thus began my personal American Graffiti years with the music, hot rods, muscle cars, girl friends, cruising the circuit and just all-around, good old fashioned, clean fun.  I thank God for those years because they instilled in me a young heart that I have never lost. :)

  2. Between the ages of 5-10 (1990-95) and 16-20 (2001-2005)

    I only exist at the moment. Adult life is such a disappointment - bills, work, conflicts etc. I feel cheated for studying to death at school because nobody even looks at grades anyway. Why did it seem so important?

    Hmmm, life is alright but it's still a let-down.

  3. 1992-1996 were my best years - everything was great, I had no worries & life was good. It's gradually getting back that way, so come back in a few years & you might get this reply again.

  4. anything before year 2000

  5. i am 29 my best years were :1996-1997 as a senor in high school i was liek the boss in everything in my school, 1999-2000-2001 ages 20-22 PERFECT YEARS I LOOKED GREAT I HAD PERFECT TIME I LIVED IN ITALY AND FRANCE I REALLY MISS THESE YEARS!

  6. My 20's I really enjoyed my 20 to 30 years of age and 17 and below

  7. my late,clubbing,no worries,responsibility only to myself

  8. There wasn't a specific age to which I enjoyed the best years of my life, as there has always been ups and downs. My favorite part of my life is involving myself with charity. It all started out with a box of stickers and a dream, and that was 5 years ago. Then I got into donating toys, teddy bears, baby clothes, arts and crafts, and more. I got involved with Demelza House Children's Hospice, The Pencil Project, Toys For Tots, Make A Child Smile, and TeddyCare. I had begun selling gift baskets, and labels, with 50% of the profits going to children's charities, I have always made donating to charity a Huge part of my life, unemployed or not. I have been out of work since May, but still save enough to donate. One year my friends and I saved our coins for a year, from January to December, and we were able to donate 700.00 to a children's hospice in England. That was the best feeling in the world. :)

  9. 1992 up until 2003..... Was great being a kid and fitting into small places when playing hide & seek! Playing outside with friends n having no worrys... Love the old days, &&& plus I got to live in the USA for 2 years (9-11yr) :)

  10. The year I spent travelling the world 2004 - 2005 and 1996 because all I did was party hard that year.

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