
What are the betting tips for PGA golf tournament?

by  |  11 years, 1 month(s) ago

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PGA golf tournament is one of the most anticipated event in the golf betting circles. Can you help me know, what are the betting tips for PGA golf tournament? So that I can secure my chances of winning PGA golf tournament.




  1. t may seem like it hasn't been that long since the PGA Tour season ended, but on January 3rd it is due to start again, and this season runs until the beginning of November, so you have almost an entire year of online sports betting entertainment, just through golf betting!

    Some people only pay attention to golf during the major tournaments, but they are missing out on lots of chances for some fun bets, and some profit potential too.

    As with any other form of online sports betting, there are a number of different kinds of bets. The most popular one, however, is a straight up bet where you pick the person who you think will win the tournament. For this kind of bet, the bookmaker usually offers golf odds on the top half of the field, and groups the rest together as a 'field bet' with one set of golf odds for them all.

    Betting on the favorites is, naturally, not a route to long term profit. The best way to enjoy success in golf betting during the PGA tour is to pay attention to the performance of the golfers, and spot the ones with good value golf odds that happen to be playing well. There is only one winner each week, and it is a long season - a good win can make up for many losses over the long term, especially if you manage your bankroll well.

    The following tips should help you get the most out of this years PGA tour season.

       1. Don't Bet on Tiger Woods
          Just like with other sports, betting on the favorites is a short term strategy. If you want to end up with a profit at the end of the season, don't bet on the favorite - instead find the times when the favorite is likely to lose, and work out who will beat him. It is those occasions that give you the real profit.
       2. Watch For Players on a Roll
          There are times when a player finds their 'zone' and becomes almost unbeatable for a while - if you can pick out those times, you can profit quite well. You just have to learn when a player is successful because of a fluke, and when they really are playing well.
       3. Don't Ignore the Rest of the Field
          While there are some people, such as Tiger Woods, Adam Scott, and Vijay Singh who are household names, there are usually lots of first time winners each season - watch the new players, and those who have yet to have their first win - they are likely to be hungry for success, and the bookmakers often offer generous odds on them - a perfect combination for successful online sports betting.

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