
What are the biggest myths about evolution?

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  1. There is only one that counts -- that it isn't real.  If you are interested in a compendium of arguments against it, and why all of them are wrong, see:

  2. that we came from monkeys

    that it explains how life started

    it explains how the world came into existence

    that it is never scrutinised by the scientific community

    that lightning hit a puddle of mud

  3. In my opinion the single biggest myth about evolution is the statement that there is no present-day evidence to demonstrate that it happens, and that it is all based upon interpretations of the fossil record.

    In point of fact, examples of evolution are observed all the time. Antibiotic resistant bacteria arise from "survival of the fittest" in our antibiotic-crazy culture. New variants on old influenza strains emerge annually. It happens in higher organisms too; restricting ourselves only to the most dramatic product of evolution - new species - there are still dozens of examples that have occurred in a single human lifespan. A good technical summary of these is given here:

    Organisms change and adapt. No scientific inference or fossils are needed.  

    There is extensive evidence to suggest that evolution happens.  There is NO evidence to suggest that it doesn't... only untestable assertions that it does not.

  4. That it's totally random

    That you have to be an atheist to accept it.

  5. "that we came from monkeys

    that it explains how life started

    it explains how the world came into existence"

    no-one is saying we came from monkeys...

    they are sayin humans are related to {apes} not {monkeys}

    no-one said thats how life started it is how our life came to be though

    the world already exicted before there was any life form

    nd to answers you....i dont realy know of any myths...evolution is a proven fact!

  6. that there is a debate amongst scientist

    people came from chimps (came from a similar primates)

    that everything is evolving towards humans

    that humanity is the final goal

    that it is always progressing toward more complex or more intelligent organism

    science is looking for missing links

    Carbon-14 is still used

  7. This site has a list of the '5 major misconceptions of evolution'

    The only thing I would add is 'if we evolved from monkeys, then there should be no more monkeys' and maybe 'evolution is a religion, there's no evidence' or some variation of that.

    Personally I think the biggest problem is that people think evolution is something to be believed or not believed.  There's a ton of evidence, and nothing contradicting it.  It's the logical conclusion of the known facts and evidence, nobody is asking you to take their word on it or take it on faith or authority.  Everyone can look at the line of evidence themselves, there are plenty of people out there who would be happy to walk them through it.

    That's a problem with science in general, though.  A lot of people see scientists as just another authority figure telling them what to believe and what not to believe.  They don't understand there is a reason for the things scientists tell them and they're welcome to examine the reasons themselves and ask any questions they wish, it's not like the religions where you're supposed to believe just because someone or some book told you so.

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