
What are the biggest regrets for someone ~ 45 years old?

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something like:

'Did I get my priorities right' etc....

Appreciate your genuine answers ...

Thank you in advance.




  1. I am much older.

    Regret not doing it when I am much younger.

    Now doing it would has no meaning...

    Do what u want and what u can

    less someday u would miss the chance.  

  2. That I made stupid choices; all the while knowing my choices were wrong. I have paid for them! And yes, getting my priorities straight is a major regret, along with thinking more about what I wanted, what was in it for me, and not thinking about others the way I should have. I have since tried to adjust my life, and I am much happier.

  3. Being 49, and with five sons ages 13-21, I think at times that I could have been a better father, and given my kids more of my time and attention.  I could have been a better example to them.

  4. This is one of my thoughts of the day..

    Never Regret,  if it’s good, it’s wonderful

    If it’s bad, its experience!


    I am 47 years old.  I don't have any real regrets from the life I have lived.  

    I sometimes wish that I had not given up music to take commerce, but in reality I made the "right"  financial choice for me.

    I found another creative outlet later in life.

    There were regrets that I had no control over.  The main one is that my parents died young and never got to see or hold their first grandson.  Life hands you lemons you make lemonade!

  5. not getting a divorce sooner

  6. sure i've made mistakes, but they have made me who i am and i've learned from them, no use living in the past when then future lies ahead

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