
What are the biggest things to remember for a driver's licence test?

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I have my behind the wheel test in just a little bit and I'd like to now bout what I'm in for. Thanks a lot!

I'm a coloradan




  1. Try to look confident - if the examiner sees that you're mega nervous he'll start wondering how safe a driver you'll be if you pass, which is not a good doubt to give him. I reckon you should remember to observe things properly (maybe look twice instead of once) to avoid having a car "come out of nowhere". Keep your distance (2-3 seconds) from the car in front and when you stop, make sure you stop far enough to be able to see the bottom of the rear wheels of the car in front of you. If you're in traffic you can then pull up slowly when there is no risk of the guy behind you crashing into you and pushing you into the car in front.

    If you happen to be behind a big truck, remember to keep a large distance (if possible) between you and them so as to give yourself a good view of the entire road. Try to anticipate traffic by looking ahead once in a while since this will help in making your driving smoother. Look in the mirrors very often and try to make it obvious to the examiner when you do (but don't exaggerate too much because some examiners don't like that).

  2. Know your hand signals

    Remember to make every move and look you make obvious

    Stay calm

    Wear shoes that are comfortable

    Know where your emergency lights are, and how to work the air conditioning and the radio- just in case

    Good luck.

  3. Put your seat belt on. Use your mirrors when backing up and when driving. Use turn signals. Stop completely at all stop signs.

  4. each state's test is different...I had to remember what the speed limit was in certain areas(suburban, interstate,etc), yielding and all that jazz

  5. stop signs one way streets and signaling.  also,  make lane changes one at a time (i.e. three lane street going one way don't cross from the far left to the far right without first driving in the middle lane.)

  6. use you mirrors, look over your shoulder when backing up, signal every intention, both with turn signal lights and your left hand, use your seatbelt.... um..., maybey I'll think of a few more later....

  7. remember to come at a complete stop, not a rolling stop

  8. Pay attention to the little things you do while driving. Don't cross your arms, stop at stopsigns, be alert. For example, when I took my drivers test, we were riding and my instructor said "before we begin, you might want to go the speed limit."

  9. first put your seat belt then adjust your mirror then if the instrutor ask you to reverse then you place one hand on the passenger and look at your three mirror, then he will ask you to park the car always put the emergency brake when you are finish parking ummm... when you come to intersection you have to look both way when you make a stop try your best to make it behind the cross line godd luck =>

  10. don't hit anything or anyone

  11. Keep your mind on the road, no matter what.

  12. Don't crash.

  13. seat belt

  14. How to park on a hill.

    And don't miss the yield signs or stop signs.

  15. Keep both hands on the wheel and don't speed.

  16. whatever you do, don't turn to the DMV person and say "WATCH THIS!!!"....

  17. don't panic and watch carefully for the road signs cause missing one sign will fail u the test

    good luck

  18. when you're merging to a lane look towards your back always look through mirrors,make complete stops, remember to have your car with the emergency break before leaving the station,ALWAYS use Signals.=D

    look left right left before leaving.

    remember you're left and right! good luck.

  19. Make sure you come to a complete stop at ALL stop signs and right on reds. This is the number number one point deductor.

    Understand correct left hand turns and avoid wide turns. From experience, I have noticed new drivers have the biggest problem with this (even those about to get their license). In other words, on a green (no arrow), you should know when to creep and know what to look for before you make your turn (pedestrians and oncoming traffic).

    One last thing make sure you understand how to parallel park. This will probably be part of the test. Although, you do not need to worry about this as much because the DMV instructor will probably talk you through the process.

    I hope that helps. Good Luck!

  20. Put your seatbelt on before you even start the car, and make sure the driving instructor does so too!

    Check your mirrors

    they'll probably ask you to do a little check (blinker, lights, etc.)

    look behind you before you back out!

    make sure you stop for 3 seconds at stop signs!

    good luck! don't sweat it, you'll do fine!

  21. check your mirrors often, and hill parking (for me at least) I never remember which way to turn the wheel.

  22. dont forget to come to a complete stop at the stop sign!!!!!!!!

  23. Don't crash

  24. Be polite to your tester!

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