
What are the blessings of being g*y?

by Guest59871  |  earlier

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We all know the social and family drawbacks and discuss them far too often, but what about the restricted positive ones, which are they?




  1. i am a g*y woman.  i don't think that things are any different in my relationship than in a straight relationship.  my blessing is that i have a wonderful partner.  there really are more struggles than blessings.  but we grow stronger together as we get thru the tough times

  2. I feel truly blessed that I am never going to have a child.

  3. You're more free to express yourself, be who you truly are.  People sit in judgment of you anyway, so it don't really matter!!   It's kinda like having nothing left to lose!!  :@)

  4. The same blessings to be straight............

  5. just being who you shouldn't be because of "blessing"

    by being able to tell people you're g*y, we can be who we are and share who we truly are with others

  6. I can't speak for anyone else but my reward for being g*y is nothing. I am happy that I am g*y just like I am happy to have dark hair.  If I were straight, I would be happy with it just like I would be happy with blond hair.  I think questions like this are dumb. Sowwy.

  7. In my case, being g*y has given me the chance to know what is to be part of a minority, and to know what is like to not be seen as equal by other people, and at the same getting the chance to feel like a spy, 'cause I hear discriminatory things towards g**s from people that think I'm straight.

    I also feel it will be easier to love someone that's similar to me, body and mind, unlike if I loved someone of the opposite s*x.

    It has made me more mature, made me think more, get smarter and also more open-minded.

    It showed the world is not black and white, and there's a lot more freedom than people usualy think, wether that's good or bad.

    It made me suffer, struggle with life and myself, and become a better person after that.

    It teached me things I would never learn otherwise.

    It made me realize the true nature of love.

  8. No pregnancy, better s*x.

    That's my view.  

  9. Generally g*y guys are normally the most creative...smartest......faithful...etc

  10. Love is a lot more passionate.

    In bed too.  ;-)

  11. Blessings are in no way restricted to or from anyone.  

    Ambassador Lambda, GSR

    Unofficial Official Ambassador of g*y/Straight Relations

  12. No unplanned pregnancies. (*provided they are homo sexual and not bisexual)

    I am being serious.

  13. sensitivity

    that is what I admire the most from LGBT society

  14. You are receiving you reward now,but you'll have none in the new kingdom to come.

  15. Double




  16. open mindness of various spectrums...

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