
What are the book titles Sara Palin tried to get banned?

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And why was she trying to get them banned? Also does anyone know if she was doing this of her own volition or was it others in the community who were asking her to do this?




  1. Probaly any book that allows women to know what a hymen is or books explaining the hormonal changes during pregnancy...And of course she thinks that the Karma Sutra is the devil's gospel.

  2. My Pet Goat

    Trig Has Two Mommies

  3. They say she didn't get as far to say what books she wanted banned, but some people think it was anything ranging from Harry Potter to a certain book by Mark Twain, I don't know how valid that information is though. But according to the librarian, she said the books were somehow "morally or socially objectionable to her”. So I guess it was out of her own accord.  

  4. I asked this same question a few minutes ago, and found the following blurb from an article about the issue when it went down:

    “Palin Asked City Librarian About Censoring Books, Insisted It Was ‘Rhetorical.’ In 1996, according to the Frontiersman, Wasilla’s library director Mary Ellen Emmons said Palin asked her outright if she could live with censorship of library books. Emmons said, “This is different than a normal book-selection procedure or a book-challenge policy. … She was asking me how I would deal with her saying a book can’t be in the library.” Palin said in response, “Many issues were discussed, both rhetorical and realistic in nature.” [Frontiersman, 12/18/96]”

    This was posted in the comments section of a blog, and I haven't gotten around to checking the entire source yet, but let's ask ourselves what's worse: firing Emmons for refusing to ban specific books, or firing her for refusing to put Palin's autocratic preferences ahead of Emmons's responsibilities as a civil servant?

    BTW, the list circulating as an answer to this around various blogs and news sources, referenced at the link below, is actually a well-known comprehensive list of banned books.  Many of them had not been published yet as of the Emmons incident in '96.

  5. Anne Kilkenny, who is a resident of the town of Wasilla and is one of two sources for the New York Times and Time Magazine articles on this subject, might know some books that were discussed being banned so you might want to try her hotmail account: and ask her. I saw her briefly on an NBC Nightly News piece last night that included a description of this book ban incident so more information might be forthcoming in the regular media.

    As discussed by another poster, the reason for the book ban discussion (in the NYT article) was that Palin found some books "morally or socially objectionable".

    Just a warning, there is a book list that is circulating on the internet that has been proven to be demonstrably false so don't be sucked in by that. Only the original people involved would know for sure.  

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