
What are the bullies who used to pick on Michael Phelps doing now? Do they regret not being friends with him?

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They could have been his friends, but they picked on him. See kids? It's not a good idea to bully someone. You just never know. It's better to be respectable and friendly.




  1. thats why i dont bully and really but i just cant be rude to people for no reason

  2. Thanks for the life lesson sherlock.

  3. d**n, sucks for those bullies, they really could of been good friends instead of making someone else feel terribly bad. what did they say or do about michael? im just hearing about it now.  

  4. bullies are dumb

  5. lol they' probably are wishing they were nice to him. tons of celebrities have said they got teased when they were younger too.

    to the people above, he got teased about his big ears, ppl used to flick them and he was really tall and gangly

  6. haha yeah thats true.

    but hes still not cute (:

  7. lol, i agree.

    i never wouldnt picked on him, hes a huge chunk of stud muffin. god hes a hottie. i love him.

    HOTTIE with a BODY!

  8. hahaha i bet they do reget that!

    they look at him now and r like wow y tha h**l did we pick on that hottie!?!?! i mean look at his body!!!

  9. yup, you should always be nice to people, just in case they get famous or powerful.

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