
What are the cats problem and habits there food and time to sleep and their schedule HELP ME?

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i will have a new cat i think it is persian but the breed doesn't matter just HELP!!!!i want to know when to eat it and when to sleep it and when to play with it and how to keep it healthy and how to let it live for a long time and can it eat human's food or it can't please tell me it in details-or brief-and how much does it drink water and how to let use the litter box and the way to let it use it and don't pee any where else and be friendly and love me just HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEE PLEASE and how to let it not to scratch me and is the cat food whiskas is good and which is better to let it sleep on the cat's bed or my bed or floor tell me anything else you know about cats please HELP MEEEE!!!! i need you and tell me anything about cats and what should be written in the nutritions HEEEEELP MEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...




  1. First realize that you cannot make a cat sleep when you do, but you can change their behavior. Many times in the morning they will meow like crazy because you get up and feed him, (hoping that will make him shut up) and go back to bed. They meow, then you get up and feed them, pet them or play--whatever you think they want. This is why they meow again later, because they know they will get a reaction from you. This is called conditioning.  So, you need to stop reacting; just ignore it.

    More info:

    Felines are nocturnal, (naturally more active at night or early morning hours).  They sleep a lot, (16 hours) mostly during the day.  When dusk or dawn sets in, their instinct tells them to hunt.  It is also the most productive time of the day to catch prey.

    When you compare the cats sleeping habits and human sleeping habits, it’s actually no wonder when some felines are perfectly happy to wake us up at 3 am and ask for food or for entertainment.  We probably don't appreciate it as much and it can become quite a strain when those early wake-ups happen regularly.

    • Schedule a vigorous play session, (at least 15 minutes) before you go to sleep, then feed the cat.  A cat that is all worn out from playing, and has a full belly will be less likely to bother you when you're asleep.

    • Don't be tempted to get up and play with your cat in the middle of the night when it demands it.  If you do, your cat will make a habit of it and won't understand when you suddenly refuse. Remember, consistance in your behavior will be more effective in changing their behavior.

    • Don't feed your cat when it wakes you up, ignore it

    • If ignoring doesn't work, invest in an automatic feeder that opens at the requested early time, the cat will help itself and won't bother you as much, or, if you're feeding dry food, fill up the bowl just before you go to bed, so that there is still plenty left for the morning

    • Keep your bedroom door shut, so that your cat can't physically wake you up

    • If it starts meowing and scratches the door, try to ignore it and don't react, after a while your cat will figure out that meowing doesn't help and it will retire

    • Be aware that any reaction of you, positive or negative, will actually encourage your cat to go on with the attention seeking behavior

    • Be strict!

  2. Make sure they know where the litter box is.  Put the food and water separate from the litter box.  The cat will know where to pee and where to eat.  I try to feed him right before I go to bed and in the morning, otherwise he will wake me up at 4am for food.

    I've given my cat Science Diet, Friskers, and Wiskas.  The cat doesn't care as long as it is dry food.  He flat out rejects wet food and will not eat it.  

    You have to give your cat a "thing" that is ok for him to scratch.  If and when he scratches it, make sure to praise him.  If he scratches your couch, be stern with him.

    Get a cat dancer, ball, or something to play with. The cat needs to play to get rid of energy and to bond with you.

  3. There is no set schedule for cats. They do what they want when they want. I have a set time for my cats to eat every day that way I know if they're not eating by a certain time there's something wrong. You can do this but only puttng food in their bowls at those times(several times a day). And you can play with them any time that they're not eating or sleeping. As for the sleeping the average cat sleeps 16 hours a day. Just don't bother the cat when it sleeps unless it's during one of the time's you have set up for it to eat.

  4. okay, heres a list of what to do...

    -RELAX! cats are really relaxed too, so maybe the cat will calm you down.

    -when you feed it, just feed it when you have breakfast, and when you have dinner. 2 times a day is great. only feed 3 times if the cat is underweight. one of our cats is very old, and is losing weight so we feed her 3 times. fill up the food bowl, and thats how much theyll need. i suggest purina, but whiskas is a good food too.

    -cats need clean water all the time, just like humans. we can get ourself water, but for cats, you have to give it to them. place the water in a bowl, and when it gets dirty or she drinks it all, replace it. also, refill the water every day, try to do this at a feeding time.

    -get something for your cat to scratch on. a scratch post, a cardboard like scratching board, anything like that. cats wont scratch you unless theyre really mad. DONT DECLAW YOUR CAT! thats like cutting off our first joint!

    -if its a kitten, get it a toy. something like a string with a little ball at the end that you can flick around. my kitten loves it so much, she plays with it herself.

    -cats, espescially a persian, need to be brushed. for a persian, brush it once a day, or every other day. if you forget to brush it, its not the end of the world! brushing is just to prevent hairballs. try to get a brush that has a soft side and a wire side, for a light brushing and for a long, hard one.

    -for the litterbox, place it somehere thats door is always open. if your cat pees and poops in the same place, then move the litterbox there.

    -cats decide when they sleep. they sleep for 20 hours of the day, and love it! they may pick their favorite place to sleep, like your bed, the couch, or anywhere else soft! but be warned: cats dont use catbeds very much! they like places that they pick.

    -dont go out of your way to make the cat like you. if she gets a little mad, DONT BE AFRAID! then your cat will take advantage. if the cat is a kitten, place it in the bathroom or somehwere else for 5 minutes, like a timeout. now our 10 year old cat knows his timeout place, and goes there when he does something wrong. he stays there for about 5 minutes too.

    -always have a vet you can take your cat to.

  5. You seem very stressed about all this. Don't get a Cat yet PLEEEEEEESE!  Try something small first like a tadpole and see how you get on and try and calm down about it all!

  6. First off Is it a kitten? I've just given my cats their food in the morning and let them sleep whenever they want. Iams is the #1 vet reccommended food. I feed it to both my cats. Let the cat sleep whereever it would like. You want them to be comfortable. The scratching part well that just happens sometimes. Don't be ruff with the cat show it love but when it pushes away let it go b/c you want it to grow up nice and to be social. Put the cat in its litter box a few times just so they know where it is for when they need it. Human food well its really not good for them but I give my cats little peices of chicken and lunchmeats and they like it. Its like a treat to them. Make sure theres fresh water at all times as well. Good Luck

  7. Cats will sleep a lot and will naturally use a litter box once trained. They are (in the wild) nocturnal hunters but because they will adapt to YOUR habits will sleep at night when you do. Don't use the cheap "off-the-shelf" cat foods as they are full of stuff that are not really good for your cat. IAMS is probably the best cat food and reasonable in price. If your cat wishes to sleep on the bed with you, let it! They like the company of people. If you are worried about it scratching you, train it to NOT scratch or have it declawed. (Front paws only). Feed it in the morning (soft food) and have a supply of the solid food (dry or crunchy) available during the day and keep fresh water available all day. They will drink when they want to. By the way there are many web sites available that will teach you about caring for a pet cat. Just Google pet cats and you will have lots of choices!!

  8. When to EAT IT//??? do you mean feed it?

    I have a 19 yr old and she eats can food in the morning and then has dry accessible all day she sleeps when ever SHE wants to.  (not too much human food/ use that as a treat)

    You can play when the cat is in the mood.

    Make the litter box avaible 24/7 somewhere it is easy to get to.. and not to a dog or child or a pregnant woman.  

    KEEP IT CLEAN... just like you would like the toilet flushed after each use. Clean it at least once a day if not 2x

    Get it a scratching post or make one from a board and some rope wrapped around it.

    Wiska's is ok... if your cat is a male then you have to watch out for urinary tract infection (UTI) so put a little lemon juice in its' water.

    Make water availible 24/7 too. (all the time)

    Have the cat neutered or spayed around 6 mo old (any older and you will risk having the cat get pregnant)

    let the cat sleep where ever it wants... My 3 sleep on my bed and other places in the house.

    Keep fleas off them with a topical treatment (not on kittens)  such as front line or atvantage/ atvantix.  Keep the house flea free with 20 mule team borax.

    Cats are cuddlers make sure not to treat them rough or you will end up with a cat that likes to bite and scratch. (dont' let others tease them either)

    Persians need to be brushed daily or at least every other day so they don't develope mats (which are painful for the cat) If they do develope someone can cut them out but you have to be very careful not to cut the skin!

    enjoy and good luck

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