
What are the causes and consequences of domestic violence?

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  1. any one who puts any one trough that should get locked up for life or ten years, people fight but it should never lead to any of that

  2. There are loads of explanations of domestic violence.

    Looking at it from a Marxist sociological perspective, domestic violence is the result of the rise of industrialisation. This is explained by the fact that since men started going to work, they became more stressed. This stress cannot be released at work since it could endanger there job, therefore they take it out on their family in the form of psychological or physical violence. The thing to contemplate however, is wether or not it is infact bad at all!? I know what your thinking! What sicko thinks domestic violence is a good thing?

    Well Marxists would ask you this... Is it not better to have a wealthy family with money in order to keep all members alive with the occasional spurt of household violence or a whole family living in poverty because the working man and kicked off at work!

    I personaly dont beleive this, i think it is to do with the way in which you are raised and psychological influences you have had growing up, as to whether or not you become the kind of person that comits domestic violence. Often stemming from domestic violence themselves.

  3. I am no expert but, I would say alcohol has a lot to do with it. Together with one partner feeling a hidden resentment.

  4. Family violence can be copied by the children. Or they go completely opposite. It would depend of the nature of the individual.

    Money, drink, gambling, drugs, selfishness, bad temper, unemployment contribute towards violence. Also the habit of being aggressive and in control.

  5. Causes are usually brought on by alcohol, and insecurity on the abusers part. The consequences are many. Jail, on the abusers side, and on the victim? Wow, the list is long. Zero self worth, fear of trying again, phobias, inability to pick up the pieces and fit back into society, passing the legacy of violence on to the children. Drug use, then rehabs and jail.

  6. alcohol/drugs/mental health/unemployment/stress - none of these things cause domestic abuse; they are factors within it, exacerbating emotional and physical violence.

    Domestic abuse is an endemic societal problem. It is not a new phenomenon; it is global and victims come from all races, cultures, classes, ages and abilities.

    In the UK every 60 seconds a woman reports being beaten, raped or stabbed (Elizabeth Stanko, 2000) and every week at least 2 women die because of domestic abuse.

    Overwhelmingly, victims of abuse are women and children; 95 -97% are women.  All abuse is abhorrent but men are not victims who experience the same physical impacts of abuse...injuries or deaths. Simply check out the rcorded homicide stats. (BCS)  This pattern is repeated where domestic abuse is recorded in other countries.

    So, the causes, no definitive theories, although understanding the nature of patriarchal hierarchy; the accepted subordination of women and children goes some way to explain it, and society which has 'turned a blind eye' to it for so long, justifying it, minimising it, making fun of its consequences.

    All people who experience domestic abuse are deeply affected and often have lived in fear, but not all are irrevocably damaged. We simply must challenge received ideas of tolerating it as a'natural' by product of adult relationships.  Perhaps, in adult relationships, one person can take the lead, even be dominant, however, do they need to exert this dominance by being abusive and inducing fear?

    If you are interested in this read: Coercive Control by Professor Evan Stark (Marvellous!)

    Oh! and think about it, if the 'cycle of abuse theory' -  you experience violence as a child you will go on to perpetrate it - had any legitimacy can you imagine how violent society would really be? And the number of girls and women beaten raped so huge, we would be the the most dangerous gender! Ask yourself why domestic abusers are not as violent in their communities as they are in the home?

    Consequence of domestic abuse continued de- valuing of women and children in society, their abjectification.


  7. Nature. We all need something  or someone to take out our aggression on. More trouble seems to occur when interests rates are high and times are hard. But even happy successful people argue at the smallest things. It's known as pedantism.

    It's perpetual, it just depends on which culture you are a part of. Some are more aggressive than others.

  8. The cause is generally an overbearing woman complaining about not having new shoes. The consequence is making her eat dogfood, in the fashion of a dog, being told she is fat and ugly, followed by a black eye! Then being held and told she is loved. This is followed by a promise it will never happen again.

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