
What are the causes and effects of racial prejudice?

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What are the causes and effects of racial prejudice?




  1. Causes: Ignorance, brainwashing, upbringing, negative experiences with individuals of a given race, negative images portrayed in media and societal stereotypes, separation, hate, lack of education, distorted thinking, fear....

    Effects: judgment, slurs, violence, hate crimes, death, inequality, inhumanity, discrimination, derrogation, exaltation, miscomunicaiton, misunderstanding, prejudice, conflict,  degredation, individualization, dehumanization, confimration bias, bigotry, intolerance...

  2. The Outsider is right... Those are the causes and effects... However in some countries is possible to see that racism is almost none existing; however discrimination remains... as strong as ever... In my country for example there's not much racism; there are stupid people of course... however, since we haven't had they same problems as other countries, I guess the  wound is not quite open... Anyway, calling someone "negrito" here is sort of sweet, and the person doesn't even have to be African-ecuadorian to be called that way... however, if a were to call someone "little ***** boy" in U.S.A... well, that's not going to be pretty... I guess at the end it depends on the history of the country... Anyway; over here there is not much racism, however clasism is somewhat strong... and is because of the obvious social difference among people... Few have a lot, and a lot have few... and others (very, very few) have somewhat in between...

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