
What are the causes for a person to not reproduce new red blood cells?

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What are the causes for a person to not reproduce new red blood cells?




  1. normally the relative (to ideal) lack of red blood cells (aenemia is the symptom) is usually caused by the early "death, disappearance" of them, not commonly due to the drop in their production (as you can see by the previous answerers rare "problems")

    suspect internal bleeding, parasitic infections, (especially tik borne)

    this answer is assuming you have worded your query erroneouly - if not sorry -the first answer is very good

  2. Anemia in simple terms is low red blood cells due to either 1) lack of production, 2) loss, 3) sequestration (hiding), or 4) combination.

    Production problems can be due to myelophthistic processes (infiltrative process in the bone marrow such as metastatic cancer, granulomatous disease, or storage disorders), viruses (parvovirus B19 is classic), drugs (chemo but also many common drugs), other infection, lack of nutrients (B12, folate, iron), hemoglobin production diseases (thalassemias/hemoglobinopathies), radiation, fibrosis, and finally cell phones (no that is a JOKE!). This list is not complete but should provide hours of Google fun.

    God bless, best wishes

  3. One of the reasons are bone marrow suppression. Bone marrow suppression is seen after radiation, chemotherapy, neoplasia in bone marrow and possibly some others.

  4. hhhmmm... your question is quite specific.... you are just askin about why they are not produced...

    1. erythropoetin is a substance that is released by the kidneys and this is what stimulates RBCs production.. so if someone has renal failure which could be (among other things) due to diabetes malitus or hypertension for a very long period (a decade or so)... then the production of this substance is disturbed and if production stops.. then there is nothing to stimulate production of new RBCs... therefore no new RBCs formed

    2. then there could be aplastic anaemia... as many have stated.... this is when the bone marrow cannot produce RBCs or when the body breaks down RBCs thinking it is a foreign body.

    3. then there could be drug-induced aplastic anaemia... which is destruction of RBCs, stimulated by intake of certain drugs...

    these are what i can remember now n in simple terms...

  5. Bone marrow failure as in Aplastic Anemia.

    Renal failure can cause a decrease in red blood cell production because erythropoetin which stimulates the production of red blood cells is released from the kidney

    Iron deficient anemia - patient is lacking iron to form hemoglobin so the number and size of red blood cells produced is decreased

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