
What are the causes for the moral decay in our society?

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Internet,unlimited acess to irresponsible medias,peer pressure,what else?




  1. Sin and iniquity.It only is global these days because of an attack on Biblical precepts.

  2. Nothing; the premise is faulty.

  3. Weaknesses on part of the parents, lack of responsibility, laziness, greed, vanity, no creative or abstract thought anymore.

  4. The fact that society as a whole has turned its back on God.

  5. I believe that it's the division of the nuclear family.  With both parents working, the television, video games and the internet are raising children.  Parents just don't have time to deal with anything so they buy them these toys that will occupy them.  Many of these television shows give children an unrealistic view of reality and it can cause them to be depressed that their lives aren't like that of their favourite characters on the tele.  Video games train kids to be killers.  I know that they are just video games and not everyone who plays them goes around pulling a Tommy Vercetti (GTA Vice City), but just being able to kill someone on a video game is that much closer to being able to kill someone that 10 year olds were twenty-five years ago when you could only play Pac-Man and Pong on your Atari.  The internet goes hand in hand with television except a little beyond that as kids may be able to access anything that they can possibly dream of.

    This starts when they are young and stays with them into their older years.

  6. lack of accountability by people and companies,improper discipline by parents, lacking of spiritual influence.

    improper manors, me first attitude

  7. glorification of ghetto people

  8. I believe that we are going through a period of cultural lag; where our material lives (technology) is advancing faster than our non-material lives (beliefs, ideals, morals).

  9. The saturation of pornographic images.

  10. Lack of consciousness, awareness and the lack of desire to evolve.

  11. Becuase the bible is no longer directing the moral compass of society.

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