
What are the causes of disciplinary problems in the classroom?

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as a student observer in your observation school,what is your idea in that question?




  1. I think that you must have structure. I tell my students constantly that this is the way we do things in this class. We have a 'way' to do everything. The students are taught and taught the way that we do things. If a teacher doesn't have this, then the students don't know whats going on and the teacher will have more problems.

  2. The teachers are pushovers and let it go on. you need to grab a kid by the balls who every1 thinks is cool and is talking a lot disrespectfully, and humiliate the kid and get him in big trouble and scare the class.

    Then make fun of them for being a bunch of rich brats- if they live in the suburbs. those are the worst.  That will make them all indignant. wahhh hey! then when they complain, shut em up.

    after their initial shock, they will have a newfound respect and awe and fear of you.

    after that, you can be nice and have fun with them and expect good cooperation.

  3. Toss out the troublemakers and you have few disciplinary problems. In grammar school I mouthed off to the teacher who sent me to the principal after whacking my knuckles with a ruler. Got home, told my father who whacked me in the knuckles again. Obey the elders.

  4. the prefects or teacher in the classroom do not care about their student's behavior.

  5. From a  teacher's point of view, I would say maybe the teacher's method bores children.  I would say teasing, taunting of children with problems can cause disciplinary problems.  Disciplinary problems can also occur when the teacher has no rules or is very soft.  Disciplinary problems also occur from the home.  If parents are too lenient with their kids the kids will believe they can get away with anything, and that can also cause friction with kids who are being severely disciplined.  Sometimes the children are just bad behaved and don't know any better because of their environment at home, is either an abusive one or too lenient.  Disciplinary problems have to be looked at also from a psychological point of view.  Maybe the child or children have psychological problems.

  6. There are several reasons why students misbehave in class...

    1.  (ok, being a teacher i'll blame the teacher for this one)  The teacher is not able to connect with the students or make learning relevent.  He or She does not get the students actively engaged in the work or lesson plan.

    2.  Students have certain social and physical needs that may not be being met.

    a.  If a student is hungry or has issues at home (abuse, neglect, poverty)  their first priority is not learning, it is escaping home and being safe.

    b.  Student feels disconnected, as if the teacher does not care about them being successful.

    c.  Teenagers have a basic need to test boundaries.That is part of child development.  IF the boundaries aren't set strongly there can be big trouble.

    3.  Need for Power:  Some kids are seeking power.  They want to have control over something.  They have no control over basic decisions, when a child or any person feels they have no control in their life, they try to find it somewhere.  (that's why there are cutters, s*x offenders, and bullies in general)

    4.  Need for attention:  SOme kids don't get basic attention at home.  They are either given "no love" (percieved or not) from the parent, or they feel ignored.  To get this attention they act out-- which gives them more attention, positve or negative, to some kids it doesn't matter.

    5.  Parents do not set boundaries at home and the students feel as if rules are the same at school and at home, and often they are not.

    6.  More often than not, it's because the child is bored or doesn't understand.  THey feel frustrated, feel they can't ask questions (because it is NOT Cool) They find things they are good at instead.

    7.  Basic lack of respect for themselves and others.  They have not been taught empathy.

    Ok... now that i have wrote a book, i hope this gives you some insight.

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