
What are the causes of most human misunderstanding?

by Guest61884  |  earlier

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  1. Greed



    That pretty much covers it.

  2. Lacking the ability to forgive and to be able to argue from all viewpoints

  3. There are many causes of human misunderstanding, one being lack of communication. I think this one is the most common and it happens quite often when it could have been avoided had one of the people asked or said what they didn't quite understand at the time, instead of getting angry about something that was just a "misunderstanding". Also, some people like to "lead others on" and this obviously can lead to misunderstanding too, even though it might not have been intended at the time. The other thing i can think of is when a person only hears what they want to hear and doesn't really take on board the true reality of something, which later leads to confusion or hurt. I would personally say that we should all speak our minds as loudly as possible, "tell the truth", even if it hurts, because then we all know where we stand...

  4. Inability to see "what is" "as it is".

  5. False conclusions...errors in interpretation...believing lies...

  6. Not really understanding what someones religion is about and assuming they are the enemy.

  7. poor communication.

  8. our different perspectives, our self centeredness and our limited brains.  

  9. A failure to communicate.

  10. Women.

  11. Ego.Self-seeking and possessiveness drives us to seek the other to serve one's needs only, wanting the world to be under our nose! Not able to see other as they are with all their independent and worthy needs for themselves too.

  12. bad intentions

  13. selective hearing

  14. People seeing things different from each other.

    This thing we call an ego that allows us to perceive our selfs as individual beings and the individual reality this creates.

  15. The root cause is they suffer from a case of mistaken identity brought about by most of the beliefs fed to them by society and religion. If they could only know for themselves that their essence is Divine and that that essence is eternal they would know what enlightenment is and even crickets would preach the Dharma to them.

    EDIT: I do not see women as the cause of misunderstanding. Knowing them as they really are has been a unbelievable blissing to me on my journey.

  16. The Ego; dishonesty.

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