
What are the causes of the decline and fall of Roman Empire?

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were these causes still relevant today?




  1. This subject was taken up in my Humanities class when I was a college student. What the professor told is came as a real surprise, He summed in up in one word lead. Yes, the heavy gray metal is what he was talking about. The Romans used it for everything. Cups, plates, and especially the water pipes. Lead causes organic brain damage, and in turn psychological degeneration. The famous Roman colosseum started out in the Olympic spirit, only to become a circus where humans were sacrificed as entertainment. The word "arena" means "sand". It covered the floor of the stadium and had to be changed daily due to it having become a bloody mess. Lead is the culprit. Is it relevant today? You bet. China cannot send us its toys because of the lead content in the paint they use. Leaded gasoline is off the market due to it being present is the smog created by  autos exhaust. Look it up. Google - like Lead and the fall of the Roman empire. Or, something similar to that. Mike

  2. loss of livelihood,

    spread of slaves in the street

    or simply poverty.,,.

    the cost of coin went down and the businessmen can't have business and became lazy..the government thought that messing around with them would help but it didn't, they just made it worst...

  3. Rome toward the end of the empire was a fractured and distorted image of its former greatness.  Barbarians, lack of good leadership, the split of the empire into two halves, and the introduction of Christianity are the main causes of the decline and fall of the ROman empire. Rome was plagued by constant attacks from Barbarian tribes on almost all sides of the empire. The Visigoths ended up sacking Rome and by the end of the empire the barbarians had destroyed the aquaducts the supplied Rome with water so the population that was over a million people dwindled to less that ten thousand.  The Empire was split into tow halves the West and East so there was no longer a single emperor most of the time and some say this is the end of the empire, the slow rise of christianity in the empire tore apart the government as everyone took different sides on the issue of the new religion.  These issues are not really relevent today, maybe the idea of poor leaders that were corrupt and were more for personal gain and power rather than the good of the people could be relevent today. Or the idea of the fighting among religions throughout the world.  

  4. Power Struggle.

    Too Much Ambition  

  5. The acceptance of homosexuality into the society.

    And yes, it's still relevant, because if we don't learn from history, we're destined to repeat it.

    Please note, however, that the radical homosexuals are trying to rewrite history, and they've largely seized control of the search engines regarding this topic and have altered the facts to promote The Homosexual Agenda.

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