
What are the causes of the poor quality of water in the Philippines?

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What are the causes of the poor quality of water in the Philippines?




  1. In the Philippines, coverage and quality of water supply and sanitation suffer from low investment rates, many small supply systems, a fragmented sector structure, and increasing pollution of water resources.

    There's more in that link. =)

  2. in the Philippines, there is pollution. pollution is everywhere- land, air and water pollution. some Filipinos use these bodies of water as their trash cans. they dump their wastes here causing the water to de dirty and polluted. these improper actions of some filipinos resulted to the poor quality of water in the philippines. the government is also partly blamed for they don't respond to this problem the way they should. this country lacks programs and projects regarding this issue. there must be cooperation and unity among the citizens of the philippines and the government so that this problem would be solved. this is all i could say. i am a 2nd year high school student who is a witness of everything here in my country, the philippines. i hope i was able to help you with your question:)

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