
What are the chances, in today's Britain, of having one single unbroken day of dryness and/or sun?

by  |  earlier

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One day, from dawn until dawn - especially at this time of year.




  1. The Brits are notorious for being obsessed with the weather and it seems these days we are obsessed with bad weather in particular.  We have plenty days with unbroken dryness and sunshine it's just that nobody wants to remember them it would spoil the opportunity to moan!

    *Edit*We have had some fantastic weather over the last few weeks and our water board hasn't mentioned a drought but then again this is the Lake District.  We tend to expect rain here and sometimes it feels like people pray for rain just so they can complain.  I think we should make the most of the good weather and stop making ourselves miserable by complaining about the bad.  Yes it's rained here for most of the weekend but my tomato plants needed it, it's saved me watering them!  The roads are quieter, I can walk the dogs without meeting loads of tourists or cars stopping to ask directions.  Look on the bright side.  Plus, the sun's come out!!  Best of both worlds!

  2. We have had our summer, it was on a Tuesday about a month back!!!!  We mustn't get greedy! :o)

  3. be nice to have a proper summer's day in August, wouldn't it?

    It's blowing a gale here and the rain clouds are a gathering..good job i have the omnibus edition of 'Enders to watch now and i can ignore the elements for a while.....

  4. lots, had 6 on the trot last week

  5. No chance the way the summers are lately whatever happened to the summers we used to have, it seems that as soon as the kids break up from school it pours with rain until they return.  I remember boiling eggs on the pavement when we were kids as it was so hot!!

  6. zilch I'm afraid.......look on the bright side we'll be selling it to the Arabs soon for $600 a barrel

  7. it doesnt seem to happen much anymore!  but i am sure there has been a couple of days where the weather has been completely dry

  8. Tell me about it. I'm trying to get the garage painted and it's proving impossible.


  9. it depends so much on topograpy; we get relatively little rain for our altitude and position south and west as we have high downland to the south west of us. but i agree, when it rains it rains harder (as one would expect with warmer air), i dont remember such disruption from summer storms in my childhood or even 20 yrs or so ago.

    and shelaaargh, i take it you dont consider yourself a 'brit'? or dont you think that is a rather insulting general term? like 'yank' or 'paddy'...

  10. we had lots last week and in july

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