
What are the chances??? (Can someone help out a nice guy with this) ?

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Ok I have a GF, so I been having s*x alot with her lately, we had unprotected s*x I pulled out *** and then put it back in her and got her off. I had s*x with her the last day of her period, and then the 25th of Aug. So I ask her on the 25th she said that was her O day. OMG, when will she know if shes pregnant. We don't mind that we do get pregnant, but if would I will marry her and take care of her. We are both 26. I have the date on her period:

Aug 10-15 had s*x 15

Aug 25 is when I pulled out then put it back in her! Whats her Chances of getting pregnant????

she said that she's having dull pain in her back, her b***s she said that they got bigger, metal taste sometimes but thats it.

She was spotting for 1 day after we had s*x, then shes having a browish the really White Discharge Thick I see its on me!! LOL gosh I know. and we dont have STDs!

we DONT mind that we do get pregnant!! OK, but not trying or anything so... open to the whole thing. We did use safe s*x for 3 years until this year!!

She Took the home test things?? BFN :( we are praying this is the one maybe)

Oh I didnt really PULL out it slip out then I put it back in. and not I didnt wipe it off. I was enjoying myself to much lol




  1. chances are you could have done it this time, you can take a home test around the time her next period is due that should give you a result

  2. Everytime you have s*x there is a chance of getting someone pregnant (With or without protection.) A condom is not always 100% safe. I don't really suggest using the "Pull out" method because it doesn't always work but it's very possible that she could be pregnant. What I would do is wait another week or so and take another test.

    Good luck! I'm sure you guys will be great parents!!

  3. Yes she can be pregnant. The with drawl method does not work... I do not know why people even try it you might as well enjoy the ride.

    Anyhow, It may take a home test a little longer to detect a pregnancy. You can have her go to her doctor's for a blood test or you can wait it out.  

  4. She could very well be pregnant. Your girlfriend should make an appointment with her doctor ASAP for a blood test so that you will both know for sure. Her symptoms sound like early pregnancy, but they also sound like pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS), or a number of other possibilities. Fear of possibly being pregnant can also bring on symptoms. Don't waste anymore time. Tell her to call the doctor TODAY for an appointment to be tested and examined.

    Also, I just have to say that getting pregnant 'by accident' and then marrying because of that...We don't always have a chance to plan for a pregnancy, but just remember that's another life that you're potentially bringing into this world...much more than just the product of 'enjoying yourself'. If your gf isn't pregnant, maybe you both should see about getting yourselves some new birth control? All the best to both of you, whatever your results.

  5. Take a "First Response" pregnancy test on Monday (Sept 8th) by that point, if she is pregnant her Hcg levels will be high enough to show up.  

  6. Wait a few more days and tes. But putting back in after still can make someone pregnant. I have a beautiful daughter because of the same thing :)

  7. she could be pregnant wait until 14 days after you last had s*x to test and it will be accurate! Or wait until her period some people can test 10 days after s*x. She can go to a doctor and they can test her I think 8 days after ovulation. Are her gums bleeding, or is she feeling nauseous? normally your nauseous at first because the hormones changing.

    Remember though just because you went in her around ovulation doesn't mean she will get pregnant. If you guys do not want a baby in the future I would use safer s*x but I know you said either way whether she is or isn't it's fine.

    I hope everything works out for you

    God Bless,


  8. by the dates you gave, it is very likely that your girlfriend could be pregnant. she should wait until she misses her period to test so that it can be an accurate result. i am in the same boat. i have been feeling pregnant, but am not scheduled to get my period until the 13th. i keep taking test anyways seeing if it will show up early. if she turns out pregnant, than congratulations. i wish you guys the best of luck. and hey, why not ask her to marry you even if she isnt pregnant..sounds like you guys are ready to take that next step! good luck!

  9. It's pretty likely... although her b*****s wouldn't be getting bigger only 10 days after s*x, (along with experiencing some of the other symptoms.  Especially the back pain, that comes later in pregnancy when you actually have a belly to carry around) that's likely just in her head.

  10. There is a very good chance that she is pregnant. Based on a 28 day cycle and her first day of last period, her most fertile day was 8/24, which means she may very well be pregnant. Blood tests can read elevated levels of HCG about seven to nine days after fertilization. This is almost a week before you even miss your period. Home tests don't normally read until about a week after the missed period. If she's not pregnant and don't intend to be, use protection, the withdrawl method is one the least effective.

  11. You can be pregnant yes.

    Wait one more week, and take a home pregnancy test.

    And if you are pregnant, congrats, for being pregnant, and for being such a loyal boyfriend!

  12. I would wait a few days to a few wks then test again but it sounds like you might have got her pregnant :). Wait and see if she misses her period too that might help it to show up more on the pregnancy test. Good Luck

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