
What are the chances for another 9/11 ?

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Nearly 100.000 civilians died in Iraq since America invaded it. Don't you think their families will want revenge?




  1. Oh yes they do.  I think this will be an on-going thing though.  Actually I'm surprised nothing more has happened to North America already.

    In the end though, who cares?  30000 children die of starvation every single day in our slave countries (yes we still have slaves, we just keep them out of sight and mind).  Then a few thousand americans die, and they cry and complain and seek revenge about it forever.  You don't see africans and indians coming and ploting war on North America, although out of everyone I think they have the most reason to.

    I want peace but while the free masons are in power and everyone (especially in the middle east, including Isreal) keeps thinking that all this conflict has ANYTHING to do with religion and cultures, the (very) rich will keep winning in their war against the poor, making us fight each other on the front lines, hiding from us the fact that we are actually all on the same side.

    We are in the eye of the storm.  The world is engulfed in war... when does it become a "World War"?  When it reaches home?

  2. The chances are very good for another 9/11.

    Just think of the hundreds of people that the Bush administration kept at Guantanamo Bay for years before finally releasing them, because they as it turned out were not terrorist at all.  They might not have been terrorist when they went there, but there is a good chance that they might become terrorist now.

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