
What are the chances i contracted oral herpes?

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My friend and I were sharing a drink cause i didn't want to pay for one. Both of us are clean of oral herpes. After a while another person drank out of the cup without me knowing, and he has oral herpes. Instead of just drinking like a normal person he decided he would spit in it too. I drank after he did that not knowing that he had drunk from it as well. What are the chances that i now have oral herpes as well? And how would i know if i do?




  1. its possible but not too likely to get herpes from sharing a drink. u would have to drink right from the same cup after they did and put your lips on the same spot of the cup. herpes is usually spread by skin to skin contact like kissing some one when they have a visible cold sore. it not spread through saliva. next time just tell them to keep the one u shared.

    some of the symptoms for oral herpes are dry chapped skin, burning, itching, tingling sensations under the skin around or in the mouth. this happens all at one spot before a sore, cut or blister breaks out. keep track of any symptoms if u have any then u would know. but to know for sure its best to get tested for oral herpes.  

  2. You can't catch herpes from inanimate objects, or from saliva. Unless you kissed the guy who spat in your drink, I think you'll probably be OK ;)

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